Modules A-Z


ABB Electricity meter B-Series

Module for connection of ABB B-Series (B21/B23/B24) electricity meter via ModBus RTU

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ABL Wallboxen

Modul zur Einbindung der eMH-Wallboxen des Herstellers ABL Sursum.

Unterstützt werden die Modelle eMH1, eMH2.
Die Anbindung erfolgt über den RS485-Bus mit einem COM-Adapter oder einem TCP-Gateway.

Das Modul unterstützt die Abfrage aller relevanten Parameter sowie
das Sperren/Entsperren der Wallbox und das Setzen des Ladestroms.

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Active List

The Active List displays all active variables in the WebFront and enables simultanious deactivation of the variables.

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AdGuard Home

Integration of AdGuard Home in IP-Symcon

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Reads data from an Air-Q Air analyser and calculates rolling averages to monitor air conditions.

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The module lets you read values from AirVisual and display the map in IP-Symcon

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This module triggers an alert if a sensor variable becomes active. In case of an alert, the target variables are set to their maximum value or On (True). Once an alert was triggered, it is not automatically deactivated and needs to be reset manually.

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This module provides annual calendar information such as public holidays, school vacations and public holidays. In addition, information such as working days in the month, leap year, time of year or whether it is a weekend is kept up to date. You can also manage birthdays, wedding anniversaries and death anniversaries and receive daily information.

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Amazon Alexa

The Amazon Alexa module enables the control of devices via Amazon Alexa. This includes the voice control via Echo Dots.

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This module connects the Anel products with IP-Symcon.

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The Announcement Module provides the ability to play back audio generated by AWS Polly through Sonos devices or the Media Player.

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Apple HomeKit

Add various devices into Apple HomeKit

Disclaimer: This bridge is not certified by Apple

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Apple TV

With this module it is possible to integrate an Apple TV using the NodeJS tool ( via MQTT in IP-Symcon.

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The module can detect anomalies in the archive. The anomalies are displayed in a list and can be removed directly. In addition, the module creates a report with all the values that have been deleted.

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The module is used to create an instance with astronomical values under core instances. The values to be displayed can be selected in the module.
The values are calculated using formulas from "Practical Astronomy with your Calculator or Spreadsheet" by Peter Duffet-Smith and Jonathan Zwart.

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B+G E-Tech

Enables the integration of B + G E-Tech energy meters without multiple ModBus instances in Symcon.
In addition, several meters can be operated on one physical RS485 bus.

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Dient zum Auslesen der Daten die über ein Tasmota BLE-Gateway vom BLE-YC01 (Pool Sensor) abgefragten Daten.

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BMW Connected Drive

The module can be used to send commands to a BMW with BMW Connected Drive and display status messages via BMW Connected Drive in IP-Symcon.

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Creates daily full or incremental backups of IP-Symcon to an FTP/FTPS/SFTP server

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Balboa Spa

With this module it is possible to use Balboa Spa control via IP-Symcon.

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Balboa Spa Control

Dieses Modul ermöglicht die Steuerung von Whirlpools mit einer verbauten Steuereinheit der Firma Balboa.
Zur Steuerung ist ein verbautes und eingerichtetes WLAN-Modul erforderlich und der Whirlpool muss über die Spa Control App mit der Balboa-Cloud verbunden sein.

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Steuert einen Rollladen, eine Jalousie oder eine anderweitige Einrichtung zur Abdunklung nach vorgegebenen Einstellungen (Wochenplan, Helligkeit, Sonnenstand, Kontakte, Temperatur, Notfall Sensor)

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Blink Home System

Modulbibliothek für die Einbindung, Verwaltung und Steuerung des intelligentem und drahtlosen HD-Heimüberwachungs- und Alarmsystem von Amazon Blink in IP-Symcon.

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Blue Iris

For controlling and reading out a Blue-Iris server

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Bose SoundTouch

For music your way, the SoundTouch family delivers powerful acoustics featuring classic design with fast, easy access to music throughout your home.

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Bose Switchboard

Bose Switchboard Cloud API

Bose Home Speaker 300
Bose Home Speaker 450
Bose Home Speaker 500
Bose Portable Home Speaker
Bose Soundbar 500
Bose Soundbar 700

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Module for IP Symcon version 5.1 or higher enables communication with a Broadlink RM

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Buderus KM200

Integration of a Buderus heating system with a KM200 communication module.
All data points can be retrieved and the writeable data points can be changed.
Messages are evaluated and displayed

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Button Tile

The Button Tile can display up to 10 buttons (toggle buttons). The content of the buttons is customizable: icon, variable value, variable name, free text.

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Schaltet die Beleuchtung in den beiden Zonen des CASO WineChef Pro 40 Weinkühlschranks

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This module shows the corona statistics for districts and provinces in IP-Symcon.

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CSV ZIP Export

This module offers the option of exporting the aggregated values of a variable as a CSV file in a ZIP archive.

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Calculated Counter

Calculates positive variable changes according to adjustable rules with changes in a main variable and adds this to the value of a variable.

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Das Modul ermöglicht das Senden von Benachrichtigungen via Chanify.

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ChurchTools Raumbelegungen

Stellt die Ressourcen/Räume aus ChurchTools als Geräte zur Verfügung. Die aktuellen Raumbelegungen können dann als Variablen verwendet werden.

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Cloudflare DNS

Das Modul implementiert einen eigenen DYN-DNS Dienst mit Hilfe des Cloudflare DNS-Services. Hierfür ruft das Modul selbständig die aktuelle IPv4 oder IPv6 Adresse des Servers (bzw. die Adresse des DSL-Anschlusses ab. Bei einer Änderung der Adresse wird automatisch der DNS-Eintrag auf die aktuelle IP angepasst. Der DNS-Dienst von Cloudflare ist kostenlos. Man muss jedoch im Besitz einer Domain sein und die Möglichkeit haben, die Nameserver-Einträge auf die Claudflare DNS-Server umzuleiten (Dies wird nicht von allen Anbietern unterstützt)

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CoE-Knoten (JoTTACoE)

Extension for reading / writing the values of a controller from Technische Alternative via CAN over Ethernet (CoE). Values from the CAN bus can be received / sent via the CoE protocol without the limitations of the JSON API. A CMI is required for this.

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Color Loop

The module provides the option to activate an automatic color gradient or color change. Once activated, a continuous loop runs through different colors, which repeats continuously.

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Computation Module

These modules can evaluate different computations on one or more variables.

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Config VersionControl

Backup the entire IPS configuration to a GIT repository. Optionally, the data is backed up.

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Consumption Behaviour

The module calculates the probable consumption for this period based on an outdoor temperature variable and a meter variable using linear regression. The more values available for the outside temperature and the meter, the more precisely the expected consumption can be determined.

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Consumption per category

Calculates the consumption in percent per freely selectable category according to the specified start and end date. The calculation is based on the daily aggregation.

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Consumption within Timespan

Computes the consumption between a start and end date/time

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The module makes it possible to display a countdown to an event in the Webfront.

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Cyclic Clock

Changes the state of a bool variable at an adjustable clock rate.

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Daikin WLAN Klimaanlage

Ermöglicht die Steuerung von Daikin Split Klimageräten über einen Daikin WLAN Modul mit lokaler API Funktion

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Denon & Marantz

Allows control of a Denon AV Receiver or Marantz AV Receiver.

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Determine switching times

Calculation of daily switching times:

  • any number of switching times per day
  • specification of permissible limits of switching times per switching time point
  • a reference variable is specified for each switching time (e.g. the variables from the location instance)
  • optional specification of a time offset for each range
  • support of weekdays by using a week schedule
  • determination of the new time directly when the underlying reference variable changes or at a specific time of day
  • optional determination of an additional random time offset

The times are then available as variables (UNIX timestamp and optionally as string), the times can be applied to events and actions can be triggered.

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Device Status Tile

Displays the current status of an appliance with remaining runtime, energy consumption, device status, program... (ideal for washing machine, dryer, dishwasher, etc.)

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With this module it is possible to monitor devices in the network.

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Devolo Wifi-Adapter

Integration of the dLAN adapter with Wifi from Devolo.
Presentation of some information about dLAN, Wifi and the connected clients as well as control possibilities of the Wifi.

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Dew Point Calculation

Calculation of the dew point with the relative humidity and room temperature.

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Discovergy Smartmeter & OEMs

This module allows to retrieve data from Discovergy based smart meters and display it in Symcon. For electricity it supports ESY and EMH meters and for gas ELS.

Furthermore it is possible to calculate costs per kWh for electricity or m3 for gas. Smart energy suppliers like Tibber and aWATTar are supported.

Please see the forum entry for the setup.

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Done Notifier

The Done Notifier notifies if a device is done. The variable with the energy consumption of the device is selected and a threshold value is set. If the threshold is deceeded and not exceeded any more for a configurable duration, the status variable is set to "Done".

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communication with a doorbird door intercom

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Drag Pointer

A variable that remains at the highest or lowest value until reset.

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Dynamic Visu Control

Contains various modules for the dynamic visualization of objects in the WebFront of IP-Symcon.
Objects can be disabled or hidden, depending on variables in Symcon.

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Retrieval of the status and control of the devices that can be controlled via the "Dyson Link App".

See note in the documentation for the supported devices.

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E3DC RSCP Connect (MQTT)

Mit diesem Modul kann das E3DC Hauskraftwerk per RSCP ausgelesen und gesteuert werden. Da eine direkte PHP Implementierung des RSCP Protokolls nicht vorhanden ist, erfolgt die Anbindung über die RSCP2MQTT Bridge. Alle Details zur Anbindung finden sich in der Doku.

Dieses Modul wurde vom Symconuser Philipp übernommen. Vielen Dank für deine hervorragende Arbeit!

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Enables the sending of commands to the power outlet of Gembird EnerGenie EG-PMS2-LAN.

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Use the ELRO HE853 / AB600 USB stick (433MHz devices) in Symcon and control all 433MHz switching actuators compatible with the stick.

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EOS ModBus Saunasteuerung

Ermöglicht die Steuerung EOS Saunasteuerung via Modbus

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1-Wire Gateway, 1-Wire Controller und 1-Wire Sensoren und Aktoren

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Echo Remote 2

Module for controlling music playback and announcements (text-to-speech) on Echo devices. It also enables routines to be started, push messages to be sent to the Alexa app, evaluation of the last actions of the Echo devices, and various information such as wake-up times and lists.

BREAKING-CHANGE: As of version 2.0 authentication is done exclusively by means of refresh token, which must be generated once (with an external tool) and stored in the module.

DISCLAIMER: The module uses an undocumented interface to Therefore, the function can be discontinued at any time without notice.

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Egg Timer

An egg timer, that runs for a given duration and can be reset at any time. Ideal for use in conjunction with events or scripts

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The module is used to receive EgiGeoZone data.

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Energy Consumption Optimizer

Optimizes PV excess and activates switchable and dimmable devices when needed

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Energy Counter

These modules compute the current and cumulative energy consumption

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Energy calculator

This IP-Symcon module enables calculation of total consumption costs over several periods with different working prices.

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Quellvariablen Filtern und auf eine neue Variable Mappen.
Wer kennt es nicht. Man hat ein Gerät und das Gerät hat Variablen. Man loggt diese Variable Tage, Monate oder Jahre. Dann geht das Gerät kaputt. Man tauscht es aus und ja man löscht eventuell das Gerät und das Archiv ist eventuell auch weg.
Oder man verwendet diese Variable in etlichen Scripten oder Automationen jeglicher Art.
Oder man bekommt ab und zu Werte von diesem Gerät die absolut nicht in dem Bereich sind wo sie sein sollten. Statt maximal 1000 Watt von diesem Gerät bekommt man einen Mond-Wert von 85965824584. Wenn das auffällt geht`s ans Archiv und man muss diesen Wert suchen und löschen.
Ich möchte in Zukunft einige Werte "Entkoppeln".
Das Modul ermöglicht:

  • Ausfiltern von Werten Unterhalb eines Wertes
  • Ausfiltern von Werten Oberhalb eines Wertes
  • Invertieren des Entkoppelten Wertes
  • Initial wird das Profil und Typ in die Entkoppelte Variable übernommen
  • Jegliche anschließende Veränderung durch Typ oder Profiländerung kann über eine Checkbox unterbunden werden.
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Das Modul dient zur Einbindung von eBUS Geräten in IP-Symcon. eBUS ('Energie Bus') ist ein Bussystem, das von verschiedenen Herstellern (z.B. Vaillant) von Heizungs-, Lüftungs- und Solaranlagen genutzt wird.

Die Anbindung erfolgt über den Kommunikationsdienst ebusd ( )in Verbindung mit einem geeigneten Hardwareadapter.

Über das Modul werden die von ebusd zur Verfügung gestellten Parameter zum Auslesen und Schreiben in IP-Symcon als Statusvariablen eingebunden. Die Auswahl der einzubindenden Parameter wird vom Anwender festgelegt.

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ekey bionyx

Supports the new ekey bionyx system. Up to five Webhooks can be created, which can then be executed directly in the ekey bionyx app or linked to actions

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Faikin 4 Daikin

Faikin ist ein auf eine ESP32 basierende Hardware zur Ansteuerung und Abfrage diverser Klimageräte des Herstellers Daikin. Die Kommunikation funktioniert über die S21 Schnittstelle der Daikin.

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Displays active faults and allows them to be acknowledged or escalated

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Fenster- und Türkontakt

Das Modul reagiert entsprechend hinterlegter Verzögerungszeit und Bedingungen auf das Öffnen bzw. Schließen von Fenster- bzw. Türkontakten und führt eine Temperaturabsenkung durch.

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Fiat Uconnect

Reading out the information from the FCA Uconnect portal

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Integrate FritzBox router into Symcon

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Froggit Weatherstation

Module to receive weather data from a Froggit (Ecowitt) weather station.
The connection between gateway and IPS is local, without using an external cloud.
Via the Symcon built-in WebHook instance.
It is also possible to send the sensor data to IPS remotely via IPS Connect.

Supported gateways:

  • Froggit DP1500 WIFI Gateway's (GW1000)
  • Display unit HP1000SE PRO (HP2551)
  • Sainlogic WS 3500
  • Froggit DP2000 (GW2000)

Supported sensors:

  • WH3000SE weather station
  • DP100 soil moisture sensors (WH51)
  • PM25 fine dust sensors (WH41)
  • DP50 thermo-/ hygrometer (WH26 -> WH80 -> WH69)
  • HP1000SE indoor radio sensor (WH25) indoor ambient sensor
  • DP60 Lightning Detection Sensor (WH57)
  • DP30 temperature sensor
  • DP70 water leak sensor (WH55)
  • DP150 Floor Temperature Sensor
    (The names in brackets are the Ecowitt article numbers)
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Fully Kiosk Browser

With this module it is possible to control Android tablets remotely with the help of the Fully Kiosk Browser app.

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GARDENA smart system

This module adds support for your GARDENA smart system Cloud devices to IP-Symcon. The following devices can be added through the Configrator after successfully connecting to your GARDENA account:

  • smart Mower
  • smart Water Control
  • smart Irrigation Control
  • smart Sensor
  • smart Power Socket
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GO-eCharger Wallbox

Einbindung einer GO-eCharger Wallbox in IPSymcon zum Auslesen und Steuern

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Game Collection

The Game Collection module offers the possibility to play the classic rock paper scissors, as well as a variant of guessing numbers in the WebFront.

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Calculate the distance between two geographical coordinates.

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The module is used to receive Geofency data.

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GitHub Status

This module displays the current status of the GitHub services.

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Module updates a DNS (A) record in the GoDaddy DNS service.

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Google Assistant

The Google Assistant module enables the control of devices via Google Assistant. This includes the voice control via Google Home.

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Create dynamic, static, and embedded maps from Google Maps.
The following APIs are supported:

  • dynamic map (Maps JavaScript API)
  • static map (Maps Static API)
  • embedded map (Maps Embed API)
  • Distance and travel duration calculation (DistanceMatrix API)
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Das Modul ermöglicht das Senden von Benachrichtigungen via Gotify.

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Grafana Connect

Modul stellt Grafana alle geloggten Variablen zur Erstellung von Kurven zur Verfuegung ohne zwischen Datenbanken etc.

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Gree/Sinclair Klimageräte

Anbindung von Klimageräten der Firma Gree und Sinclair welche über ein eingebautes WLAN Modul verfügen.

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Group Control

Group contols allow variables to be triggered as a group.

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HTML Email

Sends HTML Emails

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Hardware Monitor

Dieses Modul greift die JSON Daten des Libre Hardware Monitor ab und liefert die gewünschten Werte als Variablen in IP-Symcon. Die gewünschten Werte können im Browser unter diesem (Beispiel)-Pfad lokalisiert und dann im Modul mit der ID-Nummer eingetragen werden. Es muss darauf geachtet werden, dass keine ID's von ganzen Gruppen hinzugefügt werden. Diese führt zu unkontrollierter Erstellung von Variablen. Es werden vier Variablen pro gewählter ID erstellt

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Heat Pump Tile

The Heat Pump Tile allows for the display of a heat pump, including performance values, temperatures, and efficiency ratings.

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This module provides readout and control of Helios KWL ventilation systems with easyControls control.
No internet connection to the Helios Cloud-Portal ( is required to readout/control the ventilation system via this module. Communication takes place directly with the easyControls control of the ventilation system in the local network.

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Home Connect

The module enables devices from Bosch, Siemens, Gaggenau and Neff, which support the Home Connect service, to be integrated into IP-Symcon. After the Home Connect account has been linked, the device instances can be created using the configurator.

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Homematic Extended

Extends IPS by native support of:

Systemvariables of the CCU
Programs on the CCU
Totalizers of all types of consumption meters
status display (Dis-WM55)
ePaper status display (Dis-EP-WM55)
HomeMatic Script
Status of the wireless interfaces
Status of the wired interface

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Homematic Inventory Module

Erstellt einen Report als html-Datei mit allen Homematic Geräten. Dadurch ist es möglich sich einen Überblick über alle Homematic Geräte und deren Einbindung in Symcon zu verschaffen.
Zusätzlich werden auch die Empfangsstärken der einzelnen Geräte ausgegeben.

Der Umfang und die Sortierung des Reports ist einstellbar.

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Honeywell Home

Adds the integration of Honeywell Home devices (e.g. Water Leak Detector) into IP-Symcon. A connection with the Honeywell Cloud will be required.

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Hoymiles OpenDTU

Module for integration of Hoymiles microinverters (series HM, HMS and HMT) with OpenDTU Gateway.

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Husqvarna AutomowerConnect

Connection of a Husqvarna Automower with connect-module
Various operating data are queried and stored including the GPS coordinates (only with existing GPS module).
In addition, the basic control commands are available.

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Integration of the Hydrawise irrigation system from Hunter.
Information about all zones and sensors / measuring devices as well as an overview are displayed.
Manual control of zones is supported.

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Allows communication with the IFTTT service. Connection of IFTTT to IP-Symcon via the Webhooks service.

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Allows you to control an INSTAR camera from IP-Symcon. Events of an INSTAR camera can be evaluated in IP-Symcon.

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This module connects the IOTLink service ( with IP-Symcon. With the module it is possible to get system information of a Windows computer via MQTT and to control it remotely.

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Authentication and optimized data transfer for IPSView

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Designer for IPSView visualizations

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Editor for workflows (graphical creation of IP-Symcon automations)

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Mutual integration of IP-Symcon and Icinga

  • Monitoring of IPS by Icinga (Check-Command)
  • Forwarding Icinga-messages to IPS (Notification Command)
  • Trigger Icinga-events in IPS (Event Command)
  • Query information from Icinga from IPS (API-Interface)
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Image Archive

The module copies an image when triggered by a specified variable. It is possible to configure how many images are saved.

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Image+Variable Tile

The "Image+Variable Tile" offers the possibility to display a custom background image and a variable.

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InLine SmartHome

This IP-Symcon module integrates the SmartHome devices from InLine into IP-Symcon using the Tasmota firmware.

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Ookla's Speedtest ( provides a tool for determining Internet bandwidth. In addition to the website, there is also a command line interface; this interface is used with this module.

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Das Modul dient dem Einlesen von Kalenderdaten in IP-Symcon (getestet mit Google Calendar, ownCloud Calendar, Synology Calendar und iCloud). Zum einen können die eingebundenen Kalender auf einfache Weise im Webfront angezeigt werden, zum anderen können eingetragene Termine zum Setzen von Statusvariablen ausgewertet werden.

Damit ist es z.B. sehr einfach möglich einen zentralen Anwesenheitskalender im Internet zu pflegen, IP Symcon steuert damit automatisch Heizung, Alarmanlage und Anwesenheitssimulation.

Auch die Visualisierungen von Einträgen in öffentlichen Kalendern (z.B. Müllabfuhrtermine, Kinoprogramm, ...) im Webfront können ohne viel Skript-Programmierung realisiert werden. Z.B. können Abfuhrtermine immer bereits 1 Tag vorher angezeigt werden.

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JSON Exporter

The module offers the possibility of displaying the current values of variables as a JSON export. The object structure can be fully customized, e.g. an array of objects with ID, name, value and profile suffix can be returned. Any of the objects in this structure will then be returned, whereby the individual fields are linked to variables or defined as free text.

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Modul zur Anbindung einer Judo i-soft safe/plus Enthärtungsanlage

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KEBA KeConnect P30

Support of the KeConnect P30 wall boxes from KEBA

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KLAFS Sauna Control

Steuerung von Saunen der Firma KLAFS über die Sauna-App von Klafs. Zur Steuerung ist ein KLAFS-Konto erforderlich sowie die Sonderausstattung "KLAFS Sauna App".

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Integration of Kodi in Symcon

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Extension for querying the values of a Kostal inverter (PLENTICORE plus & PIKO IQ) via ModBus. Details and instructions for configuration can be found in the documentation.

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Kostal Piko

Modul um Kostal Wechselrichter abzufragen. Unterstützte Modelle:

Piko 5.5
Piko 8.3
Piko 12

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Lay-Z-Spa Whirlpool

Das Modul dient zur Steuerung eines Lay-Z-Spa Whirlpools mit integiertem W-LAN Modul

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Legrand Home Control

This ip-symcon module connects the legrand cloud with ip-symcon.

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Let's Encrypt

Erstellt kostenlose SSL Zertifikate für eine WebServer Instanz über Let's Encrypt

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Licht Zeitschaltuhr

Dieses Modul ermöglicht das Schalten eines Gerätes (Variable und/oder Skripts) in Abhängigkeit von Uhrzeit und/oder des täglichen Sonnenganges (Dämmerung).

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Das Modul überwacht und schaltet das Licht automatisch nach einer bestimmten Zeit wieder aus. Dabei werden Bewegungsmelder unterstützt und es können eigene Skripte ausgeführt werden.

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Lingg&Janke KNX quick

The KNX quick configurator allows quick and easy setup of KNX quick components in IP-Symcon

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Read data from a LinkTap and switch the irrigation with a LinkTap device.

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Retrieve operationg-system-informationen of linux-based systems

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Logic Gate

Allows to link variables logically

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Logitech Harmony

module for controlling devices of the Logitech Harmony Hub from IP-Symcon. Harmony actions and key presses of a Logitech Remote can be evaluated in IP-Symcon.

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The only lock that opens your door with a single tap.

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The project was initiated by "OK Lab Stuttgart" in order to measure the pollution with fine dust area-wide. In the meantime, it operates under and has started a project for noise measurement.
With this module, the sensor data can be retrieved.

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Das Modul berechnet anhand von Temperatur, sowie Feuchtigkeit den Wassergehalt der Luft, den Taupunkt und ermittelt so ob ein Lüften des Raumes von Vorteil wäre.

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Modul für Wärmepumpen mit Luxtronik

Dieses Modul ermöglicht, Daten der Luxtronik verschiedener Wärmepumpen-Hersteller abzugreifen und Einfluss auf die Steuerung zu nehmen.
Ausserdem ist es geeignet für Besitzer einer PV-Anlage, um die überschüssige Energie gemäss eigenen Vorstellungen der Wärmepumpe zuzuführen, indem Warmwasser- und Rücklauf-Solltemperatur angepasst wird.

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A MQTT Client for IP-Symcon.

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This module makes it possible to push data from IP-Symcon to MQTT or to execute scripts in IP-Symcon over MQTT.

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Integration of the Conrad MS35 RGB controller in Symcon

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Magic Home Controller

Das Modul dient zur Ansteuerung von LED Lichterketten mittels eines WiFi LED Controllers des Herstellers Magic Home.

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Markdown converter

The module provides a function to convert texts to HTML using Markdown.
Additionally, there is the possibility to enter such texts via an external WYSIWYG editor.

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Mediola Gateway-Service

Functions for handling the Mediola Gateway or the NEO Server

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Meteoblue Wetter

Kleines Modul zur Wetteranzeige, konfigurierbar

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Meteobridge & Meteohub Module

Module integrating Meteobridge and Meteohub Weather Servers. Through these servers it is possible to quickly link e.g. Personal Weather Stations from DAVIS (Vue/Vantage) and all their sensors into Symcon - other linked weather stations should also work, but have not be tested.
Variables provided include Temperatures, Pressurece, Rain, Solar Radition, UV, Soil Wetness and various others.

Through a warning timer it is possible to monitor Wind on a higher granularity e.g. to retract a marques during storm.

Questions, Screenshots etc. please visit the Forum:

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Meter Overflow

The module presents overflowing meters as continuous meters.

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Connection of devices registered to Miele@home. Data are retrieved and stored, control of devices is also possible.

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More Enocean Features

Improved Hardware-Support for EnOcean-Components.
Eltako FSB14, FSB61/71
Eltako FFKB, FTKB-rw
EEP D2-05-00 (e.g. NodOn Shutter)
EEP A5-38-08 Blinds
Eltako Button-Emulator
Enocean Pushbutton/Eltako BUS-Pushbutton
Eltako FTS14EM
Eltako FSR14, F4SR14-LED, FSR71
Virtual Temperature Controller (EEP A5-10-06)

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MySQL Archiv

Additional archive for MySQL databases

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Simplified interface to a MySQL database for the basic commands, the mysqli interface is used.

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enables the switching of myStrom Switch and myStrom Bulb

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Möhlenhoff Alpha 2

Integration of the Möhlenhoff Alpha 2 in IP-Symcon

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Allows receival of GPS telegrams, which are compatible with a lot of USB GPS devices. This module will show date/time, lat-/longitude, speed, altitude, count of satellites and GPS quality.

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NUKI Smart Lock, NUKI Opener, systems for smart access.

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NUT is short for Network-UPS-Tools. With this protocol it is possible to query a UPS remotely and to control it to a certain extent

The module offers the possibility to access a NUT server as a client.

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Control of Nanoleaf lights

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Nello One, the secure keyless access upgrade for your intercom.
You can receive a notification when someone rings the doorbell and you can open the door.

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Netatmo Energy

This ip-symcon module connects the netatmo energy cloud with ip-symcon.

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Read out and save data from a Netatmo room air sensor

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Connection of the devices that are summarized by Netatmo under the term "Security":

  • Outdoor camera ("Outdoor" or "Presence")
  • Indoor camera ("Indoor" or "Welcome")
  • Video doorbell
  • Smoke detector
  • Carbon monoxide detector
    Note: there is no implementation for the smoke detector yet due to a lack of testing opportunities.

Depending on the product type, the module includes the following functions:

  • Calling up the status
  • Storage of events for a definable period of time
  • Receiving messages from WebHook
  • Determination of URLs for retrieving videos and snapshots (live and historical)
  • Integration of videos optionally transferred from Netatmo via FTP
  • Control (camera off/on, light)
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Receive and save weather data from a Netatmo weather station, all modules are supported.
In addition to the weather data also information such as battery level and signal strength are provided.

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The module is about controlling notices from users depending on their presence. There is also a possibility to send notifications repeatedly.
The package also includes support for simple logging with the possibility of displaying the following information

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This module enables notifications over multiple levels. The level is increased after a defined time and is reset on acknowledgment. When a new level is reached, diverse actions can be executed.

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Das Modul ermöglicht das Senden von Benachrichtigungen via Ntfy.

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Nuki Bridge

Nuki Bridge API - NUKI Smart Lock, NUKI Opener, systems for smart access.
This module uses the Nuki Bridge HTTP API interface.

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Integrates Nuki Smart Lock 3.0 Pro into IP-Symcon via the Nuki MQTT API.

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Nuki Web

Nuki Web API - NUKI Smart Lock, NUKI Opener, systems for smart access.
This module uses the Nuki Web API interface.
Nuki web access is required.

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Erlaubt die Integration von Wallboxen über OCPP und das Starten/Stoppen von Ladevorgängen bei angeschlossenem Auto, um den Energieverbrauch intelligent zu steuern

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Integration of IP cameras and encoders (ONVIF Profile S and T) in Symcon

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This is a Symcon module for logging, monitoring and controlling your vehicle using OVMS.

The OVMS - open vehicle monitoring system - is an open source vehicle remote monitoring, diagnostic and control system. Thereby the OVMS hardware module sends every change, in an adjustable interval, values, so called metrics, to Symcon's own MQTT server.

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OVMS native

OVMS native

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Obis Counter

Integration of Obis based counters via infrared read/write head, HTTP-interface (e.g. Tibber) or Tasmota-Smartmeter-Interface compatible counters via MQTT in IP-Symcon. The most widely used are the electronic home electricity meters (EHZ). In addition to electricity meters, there are meters for other media with this interface.

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This module connects to OctoPrint via websockets.

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Ondilo ICO

Read Data from an Ondilo ICO

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Onkyo & Pioneer AVR

Enables the integration of Onkyo and Pioneer AV receivers via the Integra Serial Communication Protocol into IP Symcon.

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Visualization of the PHP OpCache

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OpenWeatherMap ( is a web site that provides weather data. Data of a private weather station can be made accessible to public.

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Operating Hours Counter

The Operating Hours Counter module allows to display the duration of the activity of a device. Optionally the cost of running this device and a forecast of cost can the calculated.

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Integration and visualization of Owntracks. Integration of external trackers such as Pado, EgiGeoZone, Geofency or MQTT-compatible trackers.
Regions can be monitored (geofencing) as well as permanently documenting positions. These positions may be shown as live-tracking in a map. Which data is sent from the mobile device is set in the OwnTracks app. Compliance with the applicable data protection regulations must be ensured by the user of this module.

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Das Modul verbindet sich mit einem openHASP Display via MQTT. In der Instanz kann das Display konfiguriert werden und die UI-Elemente mit Variablen und Skripten verknüpft werden.

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Connects the openWB with IP-Symcon.

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Integration of PRTG devices and sensors in IPS.
In addition, a sensor with IPS runtime data for PRTG is supported.

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Das Modul dient zum Empfangen von Geofencing Daten der iOS App "Pado". Damit ist es möglich, das Verlassen und Betreten von Orten in IP-Symcon zu registrieren.

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Panasonic Comfort Cloud

Handling devices registered in the Panasonic Comfort Cloud

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Panasonic TV

Remote Control for a Panasonic TV from IP-Symcon

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PeakTech P8005

Ermöglicht den Empfang von Lautstärke-Werten mit dem Schallpegel-Messgerät PeakTech P8005

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Kleines Modul, welches den Pegelstand von Mess-Stationen von ausliest und als Variablen anzeigt.

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Philips HUE

Connects the HUE Bridge to IP-Symcon.

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Philips HUE V2

Connects the HUE Bridge to IP-Symcon.

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Philips Hue Sync Box

Remote control for a Philips Hue Sync Box from IP-Symcon.

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Phone Announcement

The Phone Announcement Module enables a comfortable connection of a VoIP instance to a Text-to-Speech instance (Polly) to call a phone number and play a text. In addition, the module can react to DTMF sounds and play further texts.

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Phone Chain

The Phone Chain module allows to call a list of phone numbers one after the other.

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Photovoltaik Overview Tile

Used for visualizing PV production, export, import, self-consumption, self-production including battery storage. (Current day)

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With this module it is possible to monitor and control Pi-hole.

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Pinpad for TileVisualiation

Shows a simple pinpad. The code entered and sent is written to a variable for further processing. A function can also be used to send text to the pinpad for display

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Playstation 4

Control a Playstation 4 via IP-Symcon

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Integration of Plugwise in Symcon

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Das Modul nutzt den von Deutschen Wetterdienst (DWD) bereitgestellten Pollenflug-Gefahrenindex ( zur graphischen Aufbereitung und erzeugt über alle Meldungen einen kurzen Tageshinweis für die entsprechenden Gefahren.

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Pontos Base

Module to receive Date from Watermanamementsystem from hansgrohe Pontos Base

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Pontos Base V2

the new module V2 for Pontos Base allows to query and control the hansgrohe Pontosbase from Symcon, so you can change profiles, delete alarms, close/open valves, and much more.

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Position Tracking

Allows live tracking of a vehicle within Google Maps. A Google Maps API key is required.

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Transfer of data from the "do it yourself" smart meter module PowrPilot from

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Presence Simulation

Simulates the presence of persons at home. The module utilizes randomly selected day data from one of the last four identical weekdays. If there are not sufficient logged triggers within these four days, one of the last 30 days is picked at random.
If there is no valid day data within these 30 days, simulation is not possible. In that case, the String variable "Simulationsquelle (Tag)" shows a corresponding message.

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Profile/Battery Monitor

The Profile Monitor is a module that allows to monitor variables and their profiles. An example would be the search for empty batteries which are displayed in a variable. If a variable with a certain profile value is found, then this variable can be displayed in the webfront or email/app notifications can be sent.

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Das Modul Präsenzmelder (Presence Detector) schaltet in Abhängigkeit von Bewegung(en) und Helligkeit ein oder mehrere Geräte ein bzw. führt ein Skript aus. Die Bewegungsdaten können dabei logisch verknüpft werden. Zusätzlich kann ein Schwellwert für die Helligkeit hinterlegt werden.

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Takeover of the meter data from the "do it yourself" 4-fold counter module Pulsecounter by

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Das Modul unterstützt das Versenden von Pushover Notifications. Des weiteren unterstützt das Modul die Aktualisierung der Pushover Glances welche z.B. auf der Apple Watch angezeigt werden.

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Reads the data measured by a powerfox poweropti in IP-Symcon

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RCT-Power Inverter

Auslesen der Daten eines RCT-Power Wechselrichter (Inverter)

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RGB Multiplexer

Connects individual R, G, B channels to a single variable which can be configured via color wheel.

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Rain Central

The module computes a weighted rain value within a selected are of the radar image.

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Random Lighting

The module allows the color value of lamps to be randomly switched between user-defined colors.

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Reading (Day)

The module allows the selection of a date and displays the corresponding (first/last) meter values of that day.

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Rehau NEA Smart

Integration of the Rehau NEA Smart in IP-Symcon

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Allows renaming objects from within the Visualization

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Renault Z.E.

Connects to Renault Server and fetches vehicle data for Renault Zoe, Twingo and Dacia Spring. It creates certain variables such as battery status, remaining range, charging status and much more and allows to start the pre-conditioning.

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Report Module

This modules provides the functionality to summarize archive values as a report into a PDF or via email. It also provides a special module to create a nice Energy Report with embedded Graphs that show outside temperature and energy consumption.

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Residency Status Tile

The Resident Status Tile graphically represents the presence status of up to 5 residents.

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Resol VBus Modul

Modul zur Anbindung von Solarreglern mit VBus Schnittstelle in IP-Symcon.

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Robonect Rasenmäher Hardwaremodul

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Roborock (Xiaomi Cleaner)

With this module IP-Symcon can control a Roborock (Xiaomi vacuum cleaner)

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Das Modul dient zur Ansteuerung der korrekten Öffnungsposition in Abhängigkeit der Motorlaufzeit. Dabei wird die nicht lineare Laufzeit des Motors zur Position der Lamellen übersetzt.

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Room Header Tile

The Room Title Tile allows for the display of an image and a room name. On the left and right, a variable can be displayed (e.g., room temperature). In the lower area, five pieces of information can be shown on the left and five buttons on the right (e.g., Central OFF or Start Light Scene).

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Rückwärtssuche von Telefonnummern über das Internet.

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Integration of the blinds using the control center SIRO Connector SI7002

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SMA Home Manager

The module receives the messages from the SMA Energy Meter / Sunny Home Manager 2.0 via a multicast socket and makes the values of the measuring channels available as status variables.

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SML Counter

Integration of SML (Smart Message Language) based counters via infrared read/write head or HTTP-interface (e.g. Tibber) in IP-Symcon. The most widely used are the electronic home electricity meters (EHZ). But there are also counters for other media with this interface.

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Supports sending and receiving SMS with a Teltonika router as SMS gateway

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Official SNMP module from Symcon GmbH. Supports SNMP V1/V2/V3 and can walk over all OIDs of a device. The desired values can be created as variables in IP-Symcon using a checkbox, which are then updated cyclically.

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SSH Client

SSH Client for Symcon

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Integriert den SageGlass BACnet SIM II Controller in IP-Symcon

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Samsung Tizen (Smart-TV)

Dieses Modul dient zur Steuerung von Samsung Fernsehern, ab BJ 2016

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Scene Control

The Scene Control saves values of variables as scenes and can reproduce saved scenes with the press of a button from the WebFront or mobile apps.

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Dieses Modul zeigt an, ob es sich heute um einen Ferientag handelt.

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Steuerung und Anzeige einer ueber Sensibo angebundenen Klimaanlage in IPSymcon

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With this module it is possible to integrate the devices from Shelly into IP-Symcon.

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This module uses the Sipgate API V2 and provides functions for the following items:

  • Account balance
  • Call up call history
  • Send a SMS
  • Retrieve and set the status of the forwarding
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Allows the integration of IP-Symcon into Snom phones via the XML mini browser and action URLs

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Solaredge Wechselrichter

Mit diesem Modul kann die API Ihres Solaredge Wechselrichters ausgelesen werden.

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Solarwatt Energymanager

Reading out the data of a Solarwatt Energymanager - these are also displayed in the "Solarwatt Manager Portal"

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This module uses the API of the Sonnenbattery to retrieve the current values and the status of a Sonnenbattery.

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Control SONOS devices

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Das Modul ermöglicht die Kommunikation mit einem Sony TV.

Mit dem Modul lassen sich Befehle an einen Sony TV absenden und die Statusrückmeldung in IP-Symcon empfangen.

Es werden zur Zeit Funktionen zum Ein-/Ausschalten, zur Lautstärkeregelung, zum Senden der Fernbedienungsfunktionen und zum Starten der Apps unterstützt.

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The Spotify Module allows the connection to a Spotify Premium Account. It is possible to control the playback of the account. As such, it is possible to start or pause playback or change the current playback. Options like Volume, Position, Repeat, or Shuffle can be set as well. Favorites can be saved within the module and can be accessed comfortably from the visualization.

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Integration of Logitech Media Server and SqueezeBox player into Symcon

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Staircase Light Controls

After a trigger is activated, the light at the stairs is switched on. If the trigger is activated repeatedly, the light remains on and the timer resets. Only if a given timespan has passed without further activations of the trigger, the light is switched off.
Additionally the module can specify on/-off values for dimmable device, which allows a dimmed light in the evening/night.

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Steca Solarix PLI-5000/48

Dieses Module dient zum auslesen und steuern eines Steca Solarix PLI-5000/48

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Steuerung Garage & Hoftor

Das Modul ermöglicht die Steuerung und Automatition von Garagen- und Hoftoren. So ist es möglich diese als Taster zu steuern, aber auch in Homekit zu integrieren. Weiterhin gibt es Funktionen zum automatischen Schließen oder Lüften.
Zur Sicherheit werden Lichtschranken und Endlagesensoren unterstützt.

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Einlesen des Stromkonto in Symcon zur Verwendung von dynamischen Steuerrungen.

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Integration of the SwitchBot devices into Symcon. The connection is established via the official API interface to the SwitchBot Cloud.


  • SwitchBot Hub / Hub 2
  • SwitchBot App (IOS or Android)
  • Registered SwitchBot account
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Symcon Integrity-Check

Checking the integrity of the Symcon configuration
Listing of all inconsistencies (like missing objects, script etc) as error, warning or information respectively

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Symcon Script-Deployment

Provision/distribution of scripts for Symcon systems using packages/Git repositories.

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Sync (Dropbox)

Synchronizes all settings from IP-Symcon to Dropbox every hour. This enables a faster restore in the event of an error, since the backup can be imported directly (see

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Das Modul liest Parameter aus einem Synology NAS aus.

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Transfer messages to a syslog server

  • targeted transmission of individual messages from a script
  • Cyclic transmissions of all IPS messages
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TELTONIKA Networks Router

Stellt die Informationen eines Teltonika Networks über die ModBus Schnittstelle in Symcon bereit.

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TFA Gateway

Mit diesem Modul könnt ihr relativ günstig Diverse Wetterinformationen in euer IPS System bekommen. Von der Firma TFA Dostmann gibt es diverse Wettersensoren, welche über ein Gateway normalerweise die Daten in die TFA eigene Cloud senden. Über die Proxy Einstellungen könnt ihr die Daten direkt an IPS leiten, die dann von diesem Modul verarbeitet werden. Somit habt ihr alle von euren Sensoren verfügbaren Werte direkt im IPS zur Verfügung.

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Modul zum Auslesen eines Kamstrup MULTICAL 21 Wasserzählers

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Modul zum steuern von WLED per MQTT

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Control TP Link HS 100 or TP Link HS 110

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Steuerung für die Kaffeemaschine "Smarter Coffee V1"

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Control devices from Somfy via a TaHoma gateway

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Integrates tado° in IP-Symcon. Heat and cool intelligently with tado°.

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Tailscale VPN

Allows setting up Tailscale VPN on the SymBox

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With this module it is possible to integrate tasmota devices into IP-Symcon.

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Telegram Bot

Telegram Bot which can send messages/images and react to actions

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Tesla Powerwall

IP-Symcon module library for retrieving current energy data from a Tesla energy storage system (Tesla Powerwall).

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Text to Speech (AWS Polly)

Supports Text to Speed API from AWS Polly which allows generation of speech files for a given text. Can be used for audio notifications and VoIP announcements.

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The Things Network

Das Modul verbindet das The Things Network mit IP-Symcon. Hierfür wird die HTTP-Integration genutzt

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The Tibber Library provides 2 modules with which the "Tibber Query API" and the "Tibber Realtime API" can be queried.

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Tibber V.2

Die Tibber V.2 Library stellt 2 Module zur Verfügung mit denen die "Tibber Query API" und die "Tibber Realtime API" abgefragt werden können
Die Version 2. der Tibber API wurde notwendig, da einige Techniken nur noch ab Symcon 7.1 und PHP 8 zur Verfügung stehen.
Das Tibber_Query Modul enthält eine anpassbare Preisvorschau für die neue Kachelvisualierung

Meinen Dank geht an da8ter für seine Kachelsammlung!

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Tinkerforge WARP2 Wallbox

The module supports the Tinkerforge WARP2 Charger Smart and Professional.

IMPORTANT: Firmware V2 or higher is required


  • Support for WARP2 Charger Smart and Professional
  • Display of various data points
  • Possibility to start/stop the charging process
  • Possibility to control the charging current in mA
  • Possibility to activate archiving
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Tractive GPS

Integration of the GPS trackers from Tractive.
Retrieve the available information such as state of charge, position etc. and trigger the functions they LiveTracking etc.

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With this module it is possible to monitor a Tvheadend Server in IPS.

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Module library for the integration and management of intelligent LED luminaires from Twinkly.

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tapo SmartHome

Integrate tapo SmartHome devices into Symcon

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Make door smart. Unlock it automatically and remotely
with your smartphone or smart home system.

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UniFi Toolbox

The UniFi Toolbox is a collection of modules that support various actions in conjunction with a UniFi Network Controller.

  • UniFi Presence Manager (detecting the presence of devices)
  • UniFi Internet Controller (output of Internet connection data)
  • UniFi Device Blocker (blocking devices / restricting children from using the Internet)
  • UniFi Device Monitor (monitoring of UniFi devices incl. public IP for UDM/USG)
  • UniFi Endpoint Monitor (monitoring of one endpoint device in the network)
  • UniFi Multi Endpoint Monitor (monitoring of multiple endpoints in the network)
  • UniFi PoE Control (reset of PoE ports on UniFi switches)
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Universal Event

Allows to respond to changes in IP-Symcon that are not mapped by normal events or event control.
With the containing modules PHP scripts can be started if, for example:

An object has been moved
The name of the object was changed
The visibility of an object has changed
The settings of an instance have been changed
An event was deactivated or activated
A media object has been updated
A link has changed

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With this module it is possible to keep variables synchronized without having to create multiple scripts or variables.

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Dieses Modul dient zum Abrufen der von DWD bereitgestellten Unwetterwarnungen (Gewitter, Stark- und Dauerregen, Schneefall, Wind, Nebel, Frost, Glatteis, Tauwetter, UV-Strahlung, Hitze).

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User Map

The module offers the option of adding each Symcon user's own location marker to the user map directly from the console.

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This implementation of the API from the Velux KLF200 Gateway enables the integration of all io-homecontrol® devices supported by this gateway.

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Variable Comparison

The variable comparison module makes it possible to create a point cloud from two variables and make it comparable using linear regression.

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Variable Watchdog

Monitor variables for regular changes or updates.
Allow scripts to execute when a variable has not changed or has not been updated over a period of time.

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Variablen partitioning

With the help of the module, changes can be divided a source variable to any number of target variables and subtotals can be formed.

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VeSync (levoit and others)

Communication with devices that are registered in the VeSync cloud; control of the main functions

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Ventilation monitoring

The module deals with monitoring the ventilation of rooms in various aspects

  • lowering the temperature
  • (repeated) message when the room has been ventilated long enough
  • air humidity
  • warning about the risk of mold
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Supports devices from Victron

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Viessmann Vitoconnect

Dieses Modul erlaubt die Einbindung von der Viessmann Vitoconnect (Cloud). Aktuell werden viele Parameter von der Heizung ausgelesen und können somit im WebFront dargestellt werden. Ein Ändern der Soll-Temperaturen ist ebenfalls möglich.

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Virtual Counter

The module provides an input mask for manually read meter readings. It accepts the manual entry, checks for its plausibility and transfers the value to a counter variable. A limiting value can be set to check for plausibility.

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Use the Online-TTS Engine from VoiceRSS in Symcon.
(Free with max. 350 requests per day)

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Connects Volumio via MQTT with IP Symcon.

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W&T 50xxx

Modul zur Anbindung der W&T Digital E/A-Com-Server 50310 und 50210. Diese verfügen noch nicht über eine Webinterface und können deswegen nicht über das native Modul eingebunden werden.

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WLAN Thermo BBQ Controller

Das WLAN Thermo Modul für Symcon basiert auf der HTTP Webservice Schnittstelle des WLAN Thermo BBQ Thermometers ( und ermöglich die komfortable Nutzung der WLANThermo Grill Thermometer in Verbindung mit Symcon. Das Modul kann Warnungen versenden und komplett über das Webfront bedient werden. Weiterhin gibt es Tabellen für Kerntemperaturen.

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This module connects WLANThermo to IP-Symcon.

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WLED (Websocket)

The module enables convenient control of LED stripes connected to an ESP microcontroller that is flashed with WLED.

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Wallbox Tile

The Wallbox Tile displays the current status of a wallbox, including the current charging power, SOC (State of Charge), target SOC, charged kWh, etc. Animated images are provided for the go-e Charger, go-e Charger Gemini, and a generic wallbox. Custom images can also be used.

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Warema WMS

Control of Warema WMS components via WebControl

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Waste Calendar

Generic waste calendar, which can be provided with data for waste dates manually or by script.

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Waste Management

IP-Symcon module library for the visualisation of disposal dates.
The library uses various online services to integrate upcoming disposal dates (disposal calendar) into IPS.

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Checks if variables are overdue. If variables are overdue, an alert is set and a list of alerts is displayed within the WebFront.

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Water Alert

The module is used to detect unusually high water consumption. It reacts to a counter variable and triggers an alert under specific conditions. There are two alert variables.
The flooding alert triggers if big amounts flow at once. The leak alert rises over seven steps if a small amount flows over a longer duration, e.g., a dripping tap. The intervall for both checks can be set in the configuration.

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Import of all weather data from the "do it yourself" weather station Weatherman by

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The module displays data from a Sainlogic / Froggit / ELV weather station in Symcon.

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Web Graph

The module is used to provide already existing charts via WebHook. The WebHook can be used locally as well as via Connect Service. The style can be configured with parameters within the URL.

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Import of the data from the "do it yourself" sensor modules "Wiffi" from

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Wolf ISM8

Wolf ISM8 verbindet sich mit einem ISM8 Modul der Firma Wolf und holt dessen Datenpunkte ab. Zudem können folgende Datenpunkte geschrieben werden

  • Sollwertkorrektur
  • Programmwahl Heizkreis
  • Programmwahl Warmwasser
  • 1x Warmwasserladung
  • Warmwassersolltemperatur
  • Mischer
    Getestet ist nur Firmware Version 1.5, Datenpunkte sind aber bis 1.7 vorhanden.
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Work Efficiency

The efficiency is calculated for the past year and the past month

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Worx, Kress, Landxcape-Adapter

Module for the integration of Worx Landroid, Kress Mission or Landxcape robotic lawnmowers in IP-Symcon via MQTT-Landroid-Bridge. For full Featuresupport the newest Firmware-Version is required on your mower.
The MQTT-Landroid-Bridge is responsible for the communication between the Cloud and IP-Symcon via MQTT-Interface.

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Wunderground/ Sync

Module allowing to use weather data from Wunderground/ within Symcon. Additional features of the component are:

  • Upload weather data from a local PWS
  • Download of a high level forecast (max 5 days) via geodata
  • Download of a detail weather forecast (12h segments, max 5 days) via geodata
  • As part of the 5 day forecast the amount of rain will be summarized to be used for irrigation systems.
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Xiaomi MIoT

Integration of Xiaomi (MIoT) devices

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Steuerung von YAVR

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Integrate Yeelight devices in Symcon

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The module reads data from a Youless LS120 and saves the values in IP Symcon.

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Zidoo Player

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Module to integrate ZigBee-Devices via DeCONZ into IP-Symcon.
All with DeCONZ compatible Devices are supported.

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Interface to connect Zigbee2MQTT ( to IP-Symcon.

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This module integrates the Tasmota Zigbee Bridge in IP-Symcon.

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Zustand Fenster

Dieses Modul stellt den Zustand von Fenstern oder Türen, welche mit zwei Magnetkontakten ausgestattet sind, in IP-Symcon in einer Variable dar.

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[Deprecated] USB Mapper

Deprecated: This module should not be used as of IP-Symcon 6.0. Please use udev rules to link USB-Ports.

The module automatically sets the correct USB port for the entered serial ports.

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[Deprecated] Wunderground

Deprecated: This module only works with an old API key. These cannot be requested any more. For a current connection, please use another Wunderground module from the Module Store.

The module requests weather data from the Wunderground API.
A registration on is required to get an API key.
Current data, storm warnings, as well as hourly and daily forecasts can be requested.

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