KEBA KeConnect P30

Ch. Damsky

Support of the KeConnect P30 wall boxes from KEBA

Included Modules

  • KeConnectP30udp

Version History

  • 1.14 @ 13.05.2024 11:40

    • Improvement: Securing UDP communication with semaphore, exact compliance with the prescribed distances of UDP calls
  • 1.13 @ 21.04.2024 08:53

    • Fix: Adjustment of the transfer of the load history (field "reason" has new value 5)
  • 1.12 @ 15.04.2024 11:34

    • Change: Handling of SetMainsConnectionPhases(): Consideration of the "cool-down time"
  • 1.11 @ 25.03.2024 15:11

    • Fix: Determination of the wallbox hardware version corrected
    • Fix: Functions were incorrectly "public" (SetMainsConnectionPhases(), EvalSurplusReady())
    • Fix: supplemented by description of public functions (KebaConnect_SetOperationMode(), KebaConnect_SetMainsConnectionMode())
    • New: Action "SetMainsConnectionMode" added
  • 1.10 @ 28.01.2024 15:46

    • Change: Media objects now also have an ident for unique identification
  • 1.9.7 @ 05.01.2024 16:57

    • Fix: spelling mistake in README corrected
  • 1.9.6 @ 13.12.2023 14:00

    • Improvement; variables "Grid connection phases used" and "Grid connection phase switching" are only created if dynamic switching is to be possible
    • New: "Number of phases of the grid connection" setting
  • 1.9.5 @ 12.12.2023 18:47

    • Fix: Translation error in the variable profile "KebaConnect.MainsPhase"
  • 1.9.4 @ 12.12.2023 18:36

    • Fix: Variable profiles "KebaConnect.MaxCurrent" and "KebaConnect.EnergyLimit" made customizable again in the webfront - but only with mode "manual", in mode "PV overload" the variables
      n are not editable
    • Fix: after setting the current, the value briefly jumped back to 0
  • 1.9.3 @ 12.12.2023 17:36

    • Fix: the maximum current was not read out correctly due to the change from command "curr" to "currtimer"
  • 1.9.2 @ 12.12.2023 09:34

    • Fix: unknown variable (correction to 1.9.1)
    • Fix: Correction in
  • 1.9.1 @ 30.11.2023 11:07

    • New: Module-internal logging of activities/settings for better traceability, especially in the case of PV surplus charging
  • 1.9 @ 29.11.2023 11:27

    • New: Support for PV surplus charging with dynamic switching of the charging current intensity
      The module provides variables for interaction with the energy consumption optimizer
      • to set the available power
      • to query whether the wallbox is ready for charging
    • New: 1/3-phase charging
      Preparation of dynamic switching - untested -

The complete version history can be found in the documentation

To Documentation

Author: Ch. Damsky

IP-Symcon >= 6.2

Version: 1.14

In Categories:

Any questions?