
Ch. Damsky

OpenWeatherMap ( is a web site that provides weather data. Data of a private weather station can be made accessible to public.

Included Modules

  • OpenWeatherMap - Datenabruf
  • OpenWeatherMap - OneCall-Datenabruf
  • OpenWeatherMap - Messwerte übertragen

Version History

  • 2.13 @ 15.04.2024 11:47

    • Change: OpenWeatherStation now uses a more appropriate status when the server is unavailable
  • 2.12 @ 29.01.2024 10:57

    • Change: Media objects now also have an ident for unique identification
    • New: Switch to collect data on API calls
      The API call data is now available in a media object
  • 2.11 @ 03.11.2023 11:06

    • New: Determination of memory requirements and runtime (current and for 31 days) and display in the "Information" panel
    • Fix: the statistics of ApiCalls are no longer differentiated by uri but only by host+cmd
  • 2.10 @ 18.08.2023 10:49

  • Fix: Error message when using "GetRawData()" before the first data retrieval

  • the data for the panel "References" is only loaded when the panel is opened

  • 2.9 @ 15.08.2023 09:31

    • Fix: Value range of various variable profiles adjusted
  • 2.8 @ 07.08.2023 08:46

    • Fix: the minute-by-minute precipitation forecast was incorrectly interpreted as rain probability
  • 2.7 @ 04.07.2023 14:44

    • Preparation for IPS 7 / PHP 8.2

The complete version history can be found in the documentation

To Documentation

Author: Ch. Damsky

IP-Symcon >= 6.2

Version: 2.13

In Categories:

Any questions?