Discovergy Smartmeter & OEMs


This module allows to retrieve data from Discovergy based smart meters and display it in Symcon. For electricity it supports ESY and EMH meters and for gas ELS.

Furthermore it is possible to calculate costs per kWh for electricity or m3 for gas. Smart energy suppliers like Tibber and aWATTar are supported.

Please see the forum entry for the setup.

Included Modules

  • Discovergy Smartmeter, ComMetering Smartmeter, aWATTar Smartmeter, eprimo Smartmeter, Tibber Smartmeter, Stromdao Smartmeter, corrently Smartmeter

Version History

Important for update to version 2.1
If costs have already been retrieved in version 2.0, then the cost entry and the timer must be reset - I had to rebuild some things here.
Furthermore I have created a new 4-digit cost variable - when newly created this is automatically used for cost fields, with updates I would recommend to change to this, because the costs otherwise e.g. in the webfront always show 0,00€ - the costs are simply too small with high query intervals.

To Documentation

Author: elueckel

IP-Symcon >= 5.1

Version: 2.2.1

In Categories:

Any questions?