Echo Remote 2

Fonzo/bumaas forked by roastedelectrons

Module for controlling music playback and announcements (text-to-speech) on Echo devices. It also enables routines to be started, push messages to be sent to the Alexa app, evaluation of the last actions of the Echo devices, and various information such as wake-up times and lists.

BREAKING-CHANGE: As of version 2.0 authentication is done exclusively by means of refresh token, which must be generated once (with an external tool) and stored in the module.

DISCLAIMER: The module uses an undocumented interface to Therefore, the function can be discontinued at any time without notice.

Included Modules

  • Amazon Echo Configurator
  • Amazon Echo Remote
  • Amazon Echo Remote IO
  • Echo Bot

Version History

Version 2.5.1 (2024-09-24)

  • Optimization of the rate limit of GetLastActivity
  • Fix: All entries are now loaded for shopping and to-do lists

Version 2.5 (2024-05-05)

  • EchoBot
    • If a voice command (this must be defined as a trigger in an Alexa routine) has been received from an Echo device, the following actions can be executed:
      • Output text-to-speech response depending on the Echo device addressed
      • Execute different actions depending on the addressed Echo device
      • Execute script in IP-Symcon
  • New action for executing different actions depending on the last addressed Echo device (for use in scenes of the Symcon Alexa module)
  • Changes on last activity (GetLastActivity):
    • Option for periodic polling removed (alternatively, the EchoBot or the new action can be used in conjunction with the Symcon Alexa module).
    • Limit to prevent GetLastActivity from being called too often
    • GetLastActivity returns the InstanceID of the device in the array
  • New: Variables for activating/deactivating the alarm clocks
  • New: new DeviceTypes added
To Documentation

Author: Fonzo/bumaas forked by roastedelectrons

IP-Symcon >= 6.1

Version: 2.5.1

In Categories:

Any questions?