UniFi Toolbox
Enno Lückel
The UniFi Toolbox is a collection of modules that support various actions in conjunction with a UniFi Network Controller.
- UniFi Presence Manager (detecting the presence of devices)
- UniFi Internet Controller (output of Internet connection data)
- UniFi Device Blocker (blocking devices / restricting children from using the Internet)
- UniFi Device Monitor (monitoring of UniFi devices incl. public IP for UDM/USG)
- UniFi Endpoint Monitor (monitoring of one endpoint device in the network)
- UniFi Multi Endpoint Monitor (monitoring of multiple endpoints in the network)
- UniFi PoE Control (reset of PoE ports on UniFi switches)
Included Modules
- UniFi Device Monitor
- UniFi Endpoint Blocker
- UniFi Endpoint Monitor
- UniFi DM Internet Controller
- UniFi Multi Endpoint Monitor
- UniFi PoE Control
- UniFi Presence Manager
Version History
Version 1.6 02-09-2024
- New - Unifi Device Monitor shows the number of connected devices
- New - Multi Device Monitor reports the last access point for WLAN devices
- New - Ability to display temperature and fan speed on UniFi devices
- Various fixes in the Multi Device Monitor
- Change from setvalue to "this"