Most Downloads
With this module it is possible to integrate the devices from Shelly into IP-Symcon.
More InformationEcho Remote 2
Module for controlling music playback and announcements (text-to-speech) on Echo devices. It also enables routines to be started, push messages to be sent to the Alexa app, evaluation of the last actions of the Echo devices, and various information such as wake-up times and lists.
BREAKING-CHANGE: As of version 2.0 authentication is done exclusively by means of refresh token, which must be generated once (with an external tool) and stored in the module.
DISCLAIMER: The module uses an undocumented interface to Therefore, the function can be discontinued at any time without notice.
More InformationAmazon Alexa
The Amazon Alexa module enables the control of devices via Amazon Alexa. This includes the voice control via Echo Dots.
More InformationTasmota
With this module it is possible to integrate tasmota devices into IP-Symcon.
More InformationOpenWeatherMap
OpenWeatherMap ( is a web site that provides weather data. Data of a private weather station can be made accessible to public.
More InformationiCal-Calendar
Das Modul dient dem Einlesen von Kalenderdaten in IP-Symcon (getestet mit Google Calendar, ownCloud Calendar, Synology Calendar und iCloud). Zum einen können die eingebundenen Kalender auf einfache Weise im Webfront angezeigt werden, zum anderen können eingetragene Termine zum Setzen von Statusvariablen ausgewertet werden.
Damit ist es z.B. sehr einfach möglich einen zentralen Anwesenheitskalender im Internet zu pflegen, IP Symcon steuert damit automatisch Heizung, Alarmanlage und Anwesenheitssimulation.
Auch die Visualisierungen von Einträgen in öffentlichen Kalendern (z.B. Müllabfuhrtermine, Kinoprogramm, ...) im Webfront können ohne viel Skript-Programmierung realisiert werden. Z.B. können Abfuhrtermine immer bereits 1 Tag vorher angezeigt werden.
More InformationBlindControl
Steuert einen Rollladen, eine Jalousie oder eine anderweitige Einrichtung zur Abdunklung nach vorgegebenen Einstellungen (Wochenplan, Helligkeit, Sonnenstand, Kontakte, Temperatur, Notfall Sensor)
More InformationApple HomeKit
Add various devices into Apple HomeKit
Disclaimer: This bridge is not certified by Apple
More InformationLogitech Harmony
module for controlling devices of the Logitech Harmony Hub from IP-Symcon. Harmony actions and key presses of a Logitech Remote can be evaluated in IP-Symcon.
More InformationZigBee-DeCONZ
Module to integrate ZigBee-Devices via DeCONZ into IP-Symcon.
All with DeCONZ compatible Devices are supported.
Editor for workflows (graphical creation of IP-Symcon automations)
More InformationPresence Simulation
Simulates the presence of persons at home. The module utilizes randomly selected day data from one of the last four identical weekdays. If there are not sufficient logged triggers within these four days, one of the last 30 days is picked at random.
If there is no valid day data within these 30 days, simulation is not possible. In that case, the String variable "Simulationsquelle (Tag)" shows a corresponding message.
Energy calculator
This IP-Symcon module enables calculation of total consumption costs over several periods with different working prices.
More InformationScene Control
The Scene Control saves values of variables as scenes and can reproduce saved scenes with the press of a button from the WebFront or mobile apps.
More InformationNetatmoWeather
Receive and save weather data from a Netatmo weather station, all modules are supported.
In addition to the weather data also information such as battery level and signal strength are provided.
Symcon Integrity-Check
Checking the integrity of the Symcon configuration
Listing of all inconsistencies (like missing objects, script etc) as error, warning or information respectively
Computation Module
These modules can evaluate different computations on one or more variables.
More InformationGoogle Assistant
The Google Assistant module enables the control of devices via Google Assistant. This includes the voice control via Google Home.
More InformationStaircase Light Controls
After a trigger is activated, the light at the stairs is switched on. If the trigger is activated repeatedly, the light remains on and the timer resets. Only if a given timespan has passed without further activations of the trigger, the light is switched off.
Additionally the module can specify on/-off values for dimmable device, which allows a dimmed light in the evening/night.
Connection of devices registered to Miele@home. Data are retrieved and stored, control of devices is also possible.
More InformationBMW Connected Drive
The module can be used to send commands to a BMW with BMW Connected Drive and display status messages via BMW Connected Drive in IP-Symcon.
More InformationHomematic Extended
Extends IPS by native support of:
Systemvariables of the CCU
Programs on the CCU
Totalizers of all types of consumption meters
status display (Dis-WM55)
ePaper status display (Dis-EP-WM55)
HomeMatic Script
Status of the wireless interfaces
Status of the wired interface
Energy Consumption Optimizer
Optimizes PV excess and activates switchable and dimmable devices when needed
More InformationConsumption within Timespan
Computes the consumption between a start and end date/time
More InformationDone Notifier
The Done Notifier notifies if a device is done. The variable with the energy consumption of the device is selected and a threshold value is set. If the threshold is deceeded and not exceeded any more for a configurable duration, the status variable is set to "Done".
More InformationHusqvarna AutomowerConnect
Connection of a Husqvarna Automower with connect-module
Various operating data are queried and stored including the GPS coordinates (only with existing GPS module).
In addition, the basic control commands are available.
This module triggers an alert if a sensor variable becomes active. In case of an alert, the target variables are set to their maximum value or On (True). Once an alert was triggered, it is not automatically deactivated and needs to be reset manually.
More InformationRoborock (Xiaomi Cleaner)
With this module IP-Symcon can control a Roborock (Xiaomi vacuum cleaner)
More InformationSync (Dropbox)
Synchronizes all settings from IP-Symcon to Dropbox every hour. This enables a faster restore in the event of an error, since the backup can be imported directly (see
More InformationAlmanac
This module provides annual calendar information such as public holidays, school vacations and public holidays. In addition, information such as working days in the month, leap year, time of year or whether it is a weekend is kept up to date. You can also manage birthdays, wedding anniversaries and death anniversaries and receive daily information.
More InformationWunderground/ Sync
Module allowing to use weather data from Wunderground/ within Symcon. Additional features of the component are:
- Upload weather data from a local PWS
- Download of a high level forecast (max 5 days) via geodata
- Download of a detail weather forecast (12h segments, max 5 days) via geodata
- As part of the 5 day forecast the amount of rain will be summarized to be used for irrigation systems.
Checks if variables are overdue. If variables are overdue, an alert is set and a list of alerts is displayed within the WebFront.
More InformationRain Central
The module computes a weighted rain value within a selected are of the radar image.
More InformationHomematic Inventory Module
Erstellt einen Report als html-Datei mit allen Homematic Geräten. Dadurch ist es möglich sich einen Überblick über alle Homematic Geräte und deren Einbindung in Symcon zu verschaffen.
Zusätzlich werden auch die Empfangsstärken der einzelnen Geräte ausgegeben.
Der Umfang und die Sortierung des Reports ist einstellbar.
More InformationSpotify
The Spotify Module allows the connection to a Spotify Premium Account. It is possible to control the playback of the account. As such, it is possible to start or pause playback or change the current playback. Options like Volume, Position, Repeat, or Shuffle can be set as well. Favorites can be saved within the module and can be accessed comfortably from the visualization.
More InformationAstronomy
The module is used to create an instance with astronomical values under core instances. The values to be displayed can be selected in the module.
The values are calculated using formulas from "Practical Astronomy with your Calculator or Spreadsheet" by Peter Duffet-Smith and Jonathan Zwart.
Home Connect
The module enables devices from Bosch, Siemens, Gaggenau and Neff, which support the Home Connect service, to be integrated into IP-Symcon. After the Home Connect account has been linked, the device instances can be created using the configurator.
More InformationVariable Watchdog
Monitor variables for regular changes or updates.
Allow scripts to execute when a variable has not changed or has not been updated over a period of time.
UniFi Toolbox
The UniFi Toolbox is a collection of modules that support various actions in conjunction with a UniFi Network Controller.
- UniFi Presence Manager (detecting the presence of devices)
- UniFi Internet Controller (output of Internet connection data)
- UniFi Device Blocker (blocking devices / restricting children from using the Internet)
- UniFi Device Monitor (monitoring of UniFi devices incl. public IP for UDM/USG)
- UniFi Endpoint Monitor (monitoring of one endpoint device in the network)
- UniFi Multi Endpoint Monitor (monitoring of multiple endpoints in the network)
- UniFi PoE Control (reset of PoE ports on UniFi switches)
Waste Management
IP-Symcon module library for the visualisation of disposal dates.
The library uses various online services to integrate upcoming disposal dates (disposal calendar) into IPS.
More Enocean Features
Improved Hardware-Support for EnOcean-Components.
Eltako FSB14, FSB61/71
Eltako FFKB, FTKB-rw
EEP D2-05-00 (e.g. NodOn Shutter)
EEP A5-38-08 Blinds
Eltako Button-Emulator
Enocean Pushbutton/Eltako BUS-Pushbutton
Eltako FTS14EM
Eltako FSR14, F4SR14-LED, FSR71
Virtual Temperature Controller (EEP A5-10-06)
Reading (Day)
The module allows the selection of a date and displays the corresponding (first/last) meter values of that day.
More InformationGrafana Connect
Modul stellt Grafana alle geloggten Variablen zur Erstellung von Kurven zur Verfuegung ohne zwischen Datenbanken etc.
More InformationCOVID-19
This module shows the corona statistics for districts and provinces in IP-Symcon.
The project was initiated by "OK Lab Stuttgart" in order to measure the pollution with fine dust area-wide. In the meantime, it operates under and has started a project for noise measurement.
With this module, the sensor data can be retrieved.
Text to Speech (AWS Polly)
Supports Text to Speed API from AWS Polly which allows generation of speech files for a given text. Can be used for audio notifications and VoIP announcements.
More InformationWeather Warning
This module is used to call up the severe weather warnings provided by the DWD (thunderstorms, heavy and continuous rain, snowfall, wind, fog, frost, black ice, thaw, UV radiation, heat).
More InformationBackup (FTP/FTPS/SFTP)
Creates daily full or incremental backups of IP-Symcon to an FTP/FTPS/SFTP server
More InformationInternet-Speedtest
Ookla's Speedtest ( provides a tool for determining Internet bandwidth. In addition to the website, there is also a command line interface; this interface is used with this module.
More InformationGARDENA smart system
This module adds support for your GARDENA smart system Cloud devices to IP-Symcon. The following devices can be added through the Configrator after successfully connecting to your GARDENA account:
- smart Mower
- smart Water Control
- smart Irrigation Control
- smart Sensor
- smart Power Socket
Image Archive
The module copies an image when triggered by a specified variable. It is possible to configure how many images are saved.
More InformationMQTTSync
This module makes it possible to push data from IP-Symcon to MQTT or to execute scripts in IP-Symcon over MQTT.
More InformationWater Alert
The module is used to detect unusually high water consumption. It reacts to a counter variable and triggers an alert under specific conditions. There are two alert variables.
The flooding alert triggers if big amounts flow at once. The leak alert rises over seven steps if a small amount flows over a longer duration, e.g., a dripping tap. The intervall for both checks can be set in the configuration.
GO-eCharger Wallbox
Einbindung einer GO-eCharger Wallbox in IPSymcon zum Auslesen und Steuern
More InformationOperating Hours Counter
The Operating Hours Counter module allows to display the duration of the activity of a device. Optionally the cost of running this device and a forecast of cost can the calculated.
More Information[Deprecated] USB Mapper
Deprecated: This module should not be used as of IP-Symcon 6.0. Please use udev rules to link USB-Ports.
The module automatically sets the correct USB port for the entered serial ports.
More InformationReport Module
This modules provides the functionality to summarize archive values as a report into a PDF or via email. It also provides a special module to create a nice Energy Report with embedded Graphs that show outside temperature and energy consumption.
More InformationNetatmoSecurity
Connection of the devices that are summarized by Netatmo under the term "Security":
- Outdoor camera ("Outdoor" or "Presence")
- Indoor camera ("Indoor" or "Welcome")
- Video doorbell
- Smoke detector
- Carbon monoxide detector
Note: there is no implementation for the smoke detector yet due to a lack of testing opportunities.
Depending on the product type, the module includes the following functions:
- Calling up the status
- Storage of events for a definable period of time
- Receiving messages from WebHook
- Determination of URLs for retrieving videos and snapshots (live and historical)
- Integration of videos optionally transferred from Netatmo via FTP
- Control (camera off/on, light)
This module enables notifications over multiple levels. The level is increased after a defined time and is reset on acknowledgment. When a new level is reached, diverse actions can be executed.
More InformationINSTAR
Allows you to control an INSTAR camera from IP-Symcon. Events of an INSTAR camera can be evaluated in IP-Symcon.
More InformationViessmann Vitoconnect
Dieses Modul erlaubt die Einbindung von der Viessmann Vitoconnect (Cloud). Aktuell werden viele Parameter von der Heizung ausgelesen und können somit im WebFront dargestellt werden. Ein Ändern der Soll-Temperaturen ist ebenfalls möglich.
More InformationLight Automat
The module monitors and switches the light off again automatically after a certain time. Motion detectors are supported and custom scripts can be executed.
More InformationWeatherstation
The module displays data from a Sainlogic / Froggit / ELV weather station in Symcon.
More InformationBuderus KM200
Integration of a Buderus heating system with a KM200 communication module.
All data points can be retrieved and the writeable data points can be changed.
Messages are evaluated and displayed
B+G E-Tech
Enables the integration of B + G E-Tech energy meters without multiple ModBus instances in Symcon.
In addition, several meters can be operated on one physical RS485 bus.
Create dynamic, static, and embedded maps from Google Maps.
The following APIs are supported:
- dynamic map (Maps JavaScript API)
- static map (Maps Static API)
- embedded map (Maps Embed API)
- Distance and travel duration calculation (DistanceMatrix API)
Allows communication with the IFTTT service. Connection of IFTTT to IP-Symcon via the Webhooks service.
More InformationRGB Multiplexer
Connects individual R, G, B channels to a single variable which can be configured via color wheel.
More Information[Deprecated] Wunderground
Deprecated: This module only works with an old API key. These cannot be requested any more. For a current connection, please use another Wunderground module from the Module Store.
The module requests weather data from the Wunderground API.
A registration on is required to get an API key.
Current data, storm warnings, as well as hourly and daily forecasts can be requested.
Froggit Weatherstation
Module to receive weather data from a Froggit (Ecowitt) weather station.
The connection between gateway and IPS is local, without using an external cloud.
Via the Symcon built-in WebHook instance.
It is also possible to send the sensor data to IPS remotely via IPS Connect.
Supported gateways:
- Froggit DP1500 WIFI Gateway's (GW1000)
- Display unit HP1000SE PRO (HP2551)
- Sainlogic WS 3500
- Froggit DP2000 (GW2000)
Supported sensors:
- WH3000SE weather station
- DP100 soil moisture sensors (WH51)
- PM25 fine dust sensors (WH41)
- DP50 thermo-/ hygrometer (WH26 -> WH80 -> WH69)
- HP1000SE indoor radio sensor (WH25) indoor ambient sensor
- DP60 Lightning Detection Sensor (WH57)
- DP30 temperature sensor
- DP70 water leak sensor (WH55)
- DP150 Floor Temperature Sensor
(The names in brackets are the Ecowitt article numbers)
Retrieval of the status and control of the devices that can be controlled via the "Dyson Link App".
See note in the documentation for the supported devices.
More InformationTimer Switch
This module enables the switching of a device (variable and/or scripts) depending on the time and/or the daily sunset (twilight).
More InformationWorx, Kress, Landxcape-Adapter
Module for the integration of Worx Landroid, Kress Mission or Landxcape robotic lawnmowers in IP-Symcon via MQTT-Landroid-Bridge. For full Featuresupport the newest Firmware-Version is required on your mower.
The MQTT-Landroid-Bridge is responsible for the communication between the Cloud and IP-Symcon via MQTT-Interface.
Fully Kiosk Browser
With this module it is possible to control Android tablets remotely with the help of the Fully Kiosk Browser app.
More InformationActive List
The Active List displays all active variables in the WebFront and enables simultanious deactivation of the variables.
More Information