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Value Presentation

Displays a value, optionally with background color or value progression.


A value presentation is a variable with the presentation value presentation. To use this presentation, the variable must fulfill the following conditions:


Depending on the variable type (Boolean, Integer, Float, String), different parameters are available. The following apply to all of them.

Parameter Description
Default icon The icon that is displayed. It can be overwritten by other parameters
Default color The color with which the value is highlighted
Prefix Is written in front of the variable value during formatting (Not available for Boolean)
Suffix Is written after the variable value during formatting (Not available for Boolean)

Float and Integer

Parameter Description
Usage type Use of the variable in summarized presentations. The value does not have a direct effect on the display of the variable, but only on its use in summarized displays.
Display type With "Percentage", the values are displayed as a percentage. This means that the minimum value is displayed as 0 and the maximum value as 100, regardless of their absolute values. Other values are also scaled accordingly. No conversion takes place with "Absolute".
Thousands separator Defines the thousands separator used when formatting the value
Minimum value Minimum value of the variable (only usable if display type = "Percentage")
Maximum value Maximum value of the variable (only usable if display type = "Percentage")
Decimal places The number of decimal places that are displayed when formatting the value (only available for variables of type Float)
Decimal separator Defines the decimal separator used when formatting the value (only available for variables of type Float)
Icon The Icon that is used for the variable
Use updated parameters for specific intervals Activates a list of intervals that can override the formatting in specific value ranges (not usable if display type = "Percentage")
Intervals A list of Intervals for overwriting the formatting in specific value ranges
Parameters Description
Start of interval The interval is applied from this value
End of interval The interval is applied up to this value. If there is an interval with a start at this value, the other interval is used for the exact value for End and the defined interval is only used for values that are smaller than the end.
Display If "Formatted value" is selected, the value is formatted with adjusted parameters; if "Constant" is selected, the display is replaced by a constant value.
Constant Defines the text that is to be displayed without further formatting for values within this interval. (only available if display = "Constant")
Conversion factor Before formatting, the value is divided by the conversion factor (only available if display = "Formatted value")
Overwrite prefix If the switch is activated, the prefix defined in the interval is used instead of the prefix of the main configuration (only available if display = "Formatted value")
Prefix Prefix used within the interval (only available if the "Overwrite prefix" switch is active)
Overwrite suffix If the switch is activated, the suffix defined in the interval is used instead of the suffix of the main configuration (only available if display = "Formatted value")
Suffix Suffix used within the interval (only available if the "Overwrite suffix" switch is active)
Overwrite decimal places If the switch is activated, not the decimal places of the main configuration are used, but the decimal places defined in the interval (only available if display = "Formatted value" and variable of type Float)
Digits Decimal places used within the interval (only available if the "Overwrite decimal places" switch is active)
Overwrite icon If the switch is activated, the icon defined in the interval is used instead of the icon of the main configuration
Icon Icon used within the interval (only available if the "Overwrite icon" switch is active)
Overwrite color If the switch is activated, the color defined in the interval is used instead of the color of the main configuration
Color Color used within the interval (only available if the "Overwrite color" switch is active)

Boolean and String

Parameters Description
Multiline (String only) Displays the variable value in multiple lines
Options The individual Options of the display, which allow specific texts, colors and icons to be displayed for different variable values


Parameter Description
Value The option is applied for this variable value
Label Text displayed for this option
Overwrite icon If set, the default icon for this presentation is overwritten if the variable has the value of this option
Icon Icon for the variable if the variable has the value of this option (only available if "Overwrite icon" is set)
Color Color that is used to display this option inside the enumeration

Value progression

If the Logging is activated for the variable, a preview of the value history is displayed.

Display as legacy profile

If a variable uses the presentation Legacy profile, it is displayed as a value presentation if it fulfills the following conditions:

When using a variable profile, some parameters of the value display are derived

Use of the variables

The usage type depends on the profile name.

  • Temperature for profile name
    • ~Temperature
    • ~Temperature.Difference
    • ~Temperature.Fahrenheit
    • ~Temperature.Room

Display type

“Percentage” if suffix ‘%’, otherwise ”Absolute”

Appearance in tile visualization

As own tile

Value display as tile

Within a list

Value display in list

Appearance in the WebFront

No preview of the value history is displayed in the WebFront.

Value display in WebFront
Any questions?