A color can be displayed and possibly configured with a Color.
An Color is a Variable with the presentation Color. To use this presentation, the variable must fulfill the following conditions:
- Type Integer or String
Parameter | Description |
Encoding | Used encoding for the color, only adjustable for variables of type String |
Default Values | List with default values that are offered in a selection, only available for variables with Variable Action. |
Display as legacy profile
If a variable uses the presentation Legacy profile, it is displayed as a color if it also fulfills the following conditions:
- selected Variable profile "~HexColor"
Appearance in Tile Visualization
As own Tile with Variable Action
When selecting the pipette in the middle of the circle, a dialog opens to set the color alternatively in detail
As own Tile without Variable Action
Within a List with Variable Action
When the pen is selected, a dialog opens, analogous to the display as a separate tile.
Within a List without Variable Action
Appearance in the WebFront
With Variable Action
Selecting the brush on the right opens a color selection dialog: