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With Date/Time, a point in time can be displayed and adjusted if necessary.


A Date/Time is a variable with the presentation Date/Time. To use this presentation, the variable must fulfill the following conditions:

  • integer type


Parameters Description
Date Display Determines how the date is formatted. Possible options are: "None", "Year, Month and Day", "Month and Day", and "Year and Month"
Format Month as If the month is to be displayed in the date, its formatting can be adjusted. The following are possible: "Text" and "Number"
Show Day of the Week Determines whether the day of the week is also displayed in the format
Time Display Determines how the time should be formatted. The following are possible: "None", "‘Hours and Minutes" and "Hours, Minutes and Seconds"

Display as legacy profile

If a variable uses the presentation Legacy profile, it is displayed as a date/time if one of the following Variable profiles is selected:

  • ~UnixTimestamp
  • ~UnixTimestampDate
  • ~UnixTimestampTime

The different profiles correspond to fixed parameter combinations.


  • Date Display: Year, Month and Day
  • Format Month as: Text
  • Show Day of Week: No
  • Time Display: Hours and Minutes


  • Show date: Year, Month and Day
  • Format Month as: Text
  • Show Day of the Week: No
  • Show Time: None


  • Date Display: None
  • Time Display: Hour and Minutes

If the variable has a variable action, the time can be adjusted in the visualization

Appearance in Tile Visualization


In the grid settings, the various displays can be configured separately as "Date", "Time" and "Date and Time"

As own Tile

Date/Time as Tile

Within a List

Date/Time in List

Appearance in the WebFront

Date/Time in WebFront
Any questions?