

Receive and save weather data from a Netatmo weather station, all modules are supported.
In addition to the weather data also information such as battery level and signal strength are provided.

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OpenWeatherMap ( is a web site that provides weather data. Data of a private weather station can be made accessible to public.

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The project was initiated by "OK Lab Stuttgart" in order to measure the pollution with fine dust area-wide. In the meantime, it operates under and has started a project for noise measurement.
With this module, the sensor data can be retrieved.

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Wunderground/ Sync

Module allowing to use weather data from Wunderground/ within Symcon. Additional features of the component are:

  • Upload weather data from a local PWS
  • Download of a high level forecast (max 5 days) via geodata
  • Download of a detail weather forecast (12h segments, max 5 days) via geodata
  • As part of the 5 day forecast the amount of rain will be summarized to be used for irrigation systems.
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The module is used to create an instance with astronomical values under core instances. The values to be displayed can be selected in the module.
The values are calculated using formulas from "Practical Astronomy with your Calculator or Spreadsheet" by Peter Duffet-Smith and Jonathan Zwart.

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The module displays data from a Sainlogic / Froggit / ELV weather station in Symcon.

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Das Modul nutzt den von Deutschen Wetterdienst (DWD) bereitgestellten Pollenflug-Gefahrenindex ( zur graphischen Aufbereitung und erzeugt über alle Meldungen einen kurzen Tageshinweis für die entsprechenden Gefahren.

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Import of all weather data from the "do it yourself" weather station Weatherman by

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TFA Gateway

Mit diesem Modul könnt ihr relativ günstig Diverse Wetterinformationen in euer IPS System bekommen. Von der Firma TFA Dostmann gibt es diverse Wettersensoren, welche über ein Gateway normalerweise die Daten in die TFA eigene Cloud senden. Über die Proxy Einstellungen könnt ihr die Daten direkt an IPS leiten, die dann von diesem Modul verarbeitet werden. Somit habt ihr alle von euren Sensoren verfügbaren Werte direkt im IPS zur Verfügung.

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Froggit Weatherstation

Module to receive weather data from a Froggit (Ecowitt) weather station.
The connection between gateway and IPS is local, without using an external cloud.
Via the Symcon built-in WebHook instance.
It is also possible to send the sensor data to IPS remotely via IPS Connect.

Supported gateways:

  • Froggit DP1500 WIFI Gateway's (GW1000)
  • Display unit HP1000SE PRO (HP2551)
  • Sainlogic WS 3500
  • Froggit DP2000 (GW2000)

Supported sensors:

  • WH3000SE weather station
  • DP100 soil moisture sensors (WH51)
  • PM25 fine dust sensors (WH41)
  • DP50 thermo-/ hygrometer (WH26 -> WH80 -> WH69)
  • HP1000SE indoor radio sensor (WH25) indoor ambient sensor
  • DP60 Lightning Detection Sensor (WH57)
  • DP30 temperature sensor
  • DP70 water leak sensor (WH55)
  • DP150 Floor Temperature Sensor
    (The names in brackets are the Ecowitt article numbers)
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Meteobridge & Meteohub Module

Module integrating Meteobridge and Meteohub Weather Servers. Through these servers it is possible to quickly link e.g. Personal Weather Stations from DAVIS (Vue/Vantage) and all their sensors into Symcon - other linked weather stations should also work, but have not be tested.
Variables provided include Temperatures, Pressurece, Rain, Solar Radition, UV, Soil Wetness and various others.

Through a warning timer it is possible to monitor Wind on a higher granularity e.g. to retract a marques during storm.

Questions, Screenshots etc. please visit the Forum:

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Dieses Modul dient zum Abrufen der von DWD bereitgestellten Unwetterwarnungen (Gewitter, Stark- und Dauerregen, Schneefall, Wind, Nebel, Frost, Glatteis, Tauwetter, UV-Strahlung, Hitze).

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Meteoblue Wetter

Kleines Modul zur Wetteranzeige, konfigurierbar

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