
Energy Counter

These modules compute the current and cumulative energy consumption

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Computation Module

These modules can evaluate different computations on one or more variables.

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RGB Multiplexer

Connects individual R, G, B channels to a single variable which can be configured via color wheel.

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Rain Central

The module computes a weighted rain value within a selected are of the radar image.

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Consumption within Timespan

Computes the consumption between a start and end date/time

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Water Alert

The module is used to detect unusually high water consumption. It reacts to a counter variable and triggers an alert under specific conditions. There are two alert variables.
The flooding alert triggers if big amounts flow at once. The leak alert rises over seven steps if a small amount flows over a longer duration, e.g., a dripping tap. The intervall for both checks can be set in the configuration.

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Checks if variables are overdue. If variables are overdue, an alert is set and a list of alerts is displayed within the WebFront.

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Reading (Day)

The module allows the selection of a date and displays the corresponding (first/last) meter values of that day.

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Meter Overflow

The module presents overflowing meters as continuous meters.

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Done Notifier

The Done Notifier notifies if a device is done. The variable with the energy consumption of the device is selected and a threshold value is set. If the threshold is deceeded and not exceeded any more for a configurable duration, the status variable is set to "Done".

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Homematic Inventory Module

Erstellt einen Report als html-Datei mit allen Homematic Geräten. Dadurch ist es möglich sich einen Überblick über alle Homematic Geräte und deren Einbindung in Symcon zu verschaffen.
Zusätzlich werden auch die Empfangsstärken der einzelnen Geräte ausgegeben.

Der Umfang und die Sortierung des Reports ist einstellbar.

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Report Module

This modules provides the functionality to summarize archive values as a report into a PDF or via email. It also provides a special module to create a nice Energy Report with embedded Graphs that show outside temperature and energy consumption.

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Web Graph

The module is used to provide already existing charts via WebHook. The WebHook can be used locally as well as via Connect Service. The style can be configured with parameters within the URL.

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Create dynamic, static, and embedded maps from Google Maps.
The following APIs are supported:

  • dynamic map (Maps JavaScript API)
  • static map (Maps Static API)
  • embedded map (Maps Embed API)
  • Distance and travel duration calculation (DistanceMatrix API)
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OpenWeatherMap ( is a web site that provides weather data. Data of a private weather station can be made accessible to public.

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Retrieve operationg-system-informationen of linux-based systems

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Dynamic Visu Control

Contains various modules for the dynamic visualization of objects in the WebFront of IP-Symcon.
Objects can be disabled or hidden, depending on variables in Symcon.

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Text to Speech (AWS Polly)

Supports Text to Speed API from AWS Polly which allows generation of speech files for a given text. Can be used for audio notifications and VoIP announcements.

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Das Modul dient dem Einlesen von Kalenderdaten in IP-Symcon (getestet mit Google Calendar, ownCloud Calendar, Synology Calendar und iCloud). Zum einen können die eingebundenen Kalender auf einfache Weise im Webfront angezeigt werden, zum anderen können eingetragene Termine zum Setzen von Statusvariablen ausgewertet werden.

Damit ist es z.B. sehr einfach möglich einen zentralen Anwesenheitskalender im Internet zu pflegen, IP Symcon steuert damit automatisch Heizung, Alarmanlage und Anwesenheitssimulation.

Auch die Visualisierungen von Einträgen in öffentlichen Kalendern (z.B. Müllabfuhrtermine, Kinoprogramm, ...) im Webfront können ohne viel Skript-Programmierung realisiert werden. Z.B. können Abfuhrtermine immer bereits 1 Tag vorher angezeigt werden.

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This module provides annual calendar information such as public holidays, school vacations and public holidays. In addition, information such as working days in the month, leap year, time of year or whether it is a weekend is kept up to date. You can also manage birthdays, wedding anniversaries and death anniversaries and receive daily information.

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This module enables notifications over multiple levels. The level is increased after a defined time and is reset on acknowledgment. When a new level is reached, diverse actions can be executed.

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Das Modul nutzt den von Deutschen Wetterdienst (DWD) bereitgestellten Pollenflug-Gefahrenindex ( zur graphischen Aufbereitung und erzeugt über alle Meldungen einen kurzen Tageshinweis für die entsprechenden Gefahren.

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Active List

The Active List displays all active variables in the WebFront and enables simultanious deactivation of the variables.

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Connects the openWB with IP-Symcon.

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InLine SmartHome

This IP-Symcon module integrates the SmartHome devices from InLine into IP-Symcon using the Tasmota firmware.

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Operating Hours Counter

The Operating Hours Counter module allows to display the duration of the activity of a device. Optionally the cost of running this device and a forecast of cost can the calculated.

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Froggit Weatherstation

Module to receive weather data from a Froggit (Ecowitt) weather station.
The connection between gateway and IPS is local, without using an external cloud.
Via the Symcon built-in WebHook instance.
It is also possible to send the sensor data to IPS remotely via IPS Connect.

Supported gateways:

  • Froggit DP1500 WIFI Gateway's (GW1000)
  • Display unit HP1000SE PRO (HP2551)
  • Sainlogic WS 3500
  • Froggit DP2000 (GW2000)

Supported sensors:

  • WH3000SE weather station
  • DP100 soil moisture sensors (WH51)
  • PM25 fine dust sensors (WH41)
  • DP50 thermo-/ hygrometer (WH26 -> WH80 -> WH69)
  • HP1000SE indoor radio sensor (WH25) indoor ambient sensor
  • DP60 Lightning Detection Sensor (WH57)
  • DP30 temperature sensor
  • DP70 water leak sensor (WH55)
  • DP150 Floor Temperature Sensor
    (The names in brackets are the Ecowitt article numbers)
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Fully Kiosk Browser

With this module it is possible to control Android tablets remotely with the help of the Fully Kiosk Browser app.

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Energy calculator

This IP-Symcon module enables calculation of total consumption costs over several periods with different working prices.

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Variable Comparison

The variable comparison module makes it possible to create a point cloud from two variables and make it comparable using linear regression.

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Consumption Behaviour

The module calculates the probable consumption for this period based on an outdoor temperature variable and a meter variable using linear regression. The more values available for the outside temperature and the meter, the more precisely the expected consumption can be determined.

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JSON Exporter

The module offers the possibility of displaying the current values of variables as a JSON export. The object structure can be fully customized, e.g. an array of objects with ID, name, value and profile suffix can be returned. Any of the objects in this structure will then be returned, whereby the individual fields are linked to variables or defined as free text.

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CSV ZIP Export

This module offers the option of exporting the aggregated values of a variable as a CSV file in a ZIP archive.

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Calculated Counter

Calculates positive variable changes according to adjustable rules with changes in a main variable and adds this to the value of a variable.

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Markdown converter

The module provides a function to convert texts to HTML using Markdown.
Additionally, there is the possibility to enter such texts via an external WYSIWYG editor.

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The module can detect anomalies in the archive. The anomalies are displayed in a list and can be removed directly. In addition, the module creates a report with all the values that have been deleted.

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Dew Point Calculation

Calculation of the dew point with the relative humidity and room temperature.

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Work Efficiency

The efficiency is calculated for the past year and the past month

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Quellvariablen Filtern und auf eine neue Variable Mappen.
Wer kennt es nicht. Man hat ein Gerät und das Gerät hat Variablen. Man loggt diese Variable Tage, Monate oder Jahre. Dann geht das Gerät kaputt. Man tauscht es aus und ja man löscht eventuell das Gerät und das Archiv ist eventuell auch weg.
Oder man verwendet diese Variable in etlichen Scripten oder Automationen jeglicher Art.
Oder man bekommt ab und zu Werte von diesem Gerät die absolut nicht in dem Bereich sind wo sie sein sollten. Statt maximal 1000 Watt von diesem Gerät bekommt man einen Mond-Wert von 85965824584. Wenn das auffällt geht`s ans Archiv und man muss diesen Wert suchen und löschen.
Ich möchte in Zukunft einige Werte "Entkoppeln".
Das Modul ermöglicht:

  • Ausfiltern von Werten Unterhalb eines Wertes
  • Ausfiltern von Werten Oberhalb eines Wertes
  • Invertieren des Entkoppelten Wertes
  • Initial wird das Profil und Typ in die Entkoppelte Variable übernommen
  • Jegliche anschließende Veränderung durch Typ oder Profiländerung kann über eine Checkbox unterbunden werden.
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Tesla Powerwall

IP-Symcon module library for retrieving current energy data from a Tesla energy storage system (Tesla Powerwall).

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Calculate the distance between two geographical coordinates.

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Consumption per category

Calculates the consumption in percent per freely selectable category according to the specified start and end date. The calculation is based on the daily aggregation.

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