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System Requirements


A system with one of the listed operating systems is required to use IP-Symcon. In addition, a LAN connection is vital for most gateways. Energy saving components are recommended as the system is permanently active. Our own SymBox is also suitable for most projects.


IP-Symcon can be configured as server on most operating systems. A special app for mobile operating systems (iOS, Android) presents the visualization that is provided by the IP-Symcon server.

A complete list of the compatibility between IP-Symcon versions and operating systems is available in the version overview.

Limitations of different operating systems

Limitations to SymBox, Raspberry Pi, Linux, MacOS, and NAS systems

  • The compatibility functions are deactivated by default. See special switches for reactivation, if you need compatibility with IP-Symcon 3.4 or older.
  • No MediaPlayer (currently only in Windows)
  • Text to Speech: The TTS module can currently only be started within a Windows environment. Alternatively, the module "Text To Speech (AWS Polly)" from the Module Store can be used. It works for all operating systems.
  • System Information: The function Sys_GetSpooler is only available in Windows.
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