
Image Archive

The module copies an image when triggered by a specified variable. It is possible to configure how many images are saved.

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MySQL Archiv

Additional archive for MySQL databases

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With this module it is possible to monitor and control Pi-hole.

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With this module it is possible to monitor devices in the network.

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Transfer messages to a syslog server

  • targeted transmission of individual messages from a script
  • Cyclic transmissions of all IPS messages
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Takeover of the meter data from the "do it yourself" 4-fold counter module Pulsecounter by stall.biz.

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Connects the openWB with IP-Symcon.

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This module connects the IOTLink service (https://gitlab.com/iotlink/iotlink) with IP-Symcon. With the module it is possible to get system information of a Windows computer via MQTT and to control it remotely.

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Legrand Home Control

This ip-symcon module connects the legrand cloud with ip-symcon.

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Netatmo Energy

This ip-symcon module connects the netatmo energy cloud with ip-symcon.

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InLine SmartHome

This IP-Symcon module integrates the SmartHome devices from InLine into IP-Symcon using the Tasmota firmware.

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Reads the data measured by a powerfox poweropti in IP-Symcon

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Solaredge Wechselrichter

Mit diesem Modul kann die API Ihres Solaredge Wechselrichters ausgelesen werden.

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Energy calculator

This IP-Symcon module enables calculation of total consumption costs over several periods with different working prices.

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ABB Electricity meter B-Series

Module for connection of ABB B-Series (B21/B23/B24) electricity meter via ModBus RTU

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TELTONIKA Networks Router

Stellt die Informationen eines Teltonika Networks über die ModBus Schnittstelle in Symcon bereit.

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The module is about controlling notices from users depending on their presence. There is also a possibility to send notifications repeatedly.
The package also includes support for simple logging with the possibility of displaying the following information

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Tinkerforge WARP2 Wallbox

The module supports the Tinkerforge WARP2 Charger Smart and Professional.

IMPORTANT: Firmware V2 or higher is required


  • Support for WARP2 Charger Smart and Professional
  • Display of various data points
  • Possibility to start/stop the charging process
  • Possibility to control the charging current in mA
  • Possibility to activate archiving
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Renault Z.E.

Connects to Renault Server and fetches vehicle data for Renault Zoe, Twingo and Dacia Spring. It creates certain variables such as battery status, remaining range, charging status and much more and allows to start the pre-conditioning.

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Philips HUE V2

Connects the HUE Bridge to IP-Symcon.

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Profile/Battery Monitor

The Profile Monitor is a module that allows to monitor variables and their profiles. An example would be the search for empty batteries which are displayed in a variable. If a variable with a certain profile value is found, then this variable can be displayed in the webfront or email/app notifications can be sent.

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Transfer of data from the "do it yourself" smart meter module PowrPilot from stall.biz.

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Balboa Spa

With this module it is possible to use Balboa Spa control via IP-Symcon.

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This is a Symcon module for logging, monitoring and controlling your vehicle using OVMS.

The OVMS - open vehicle monitoring system - is an open source vehicle remote monitoring, diagnostic and control system. Thereby the OVMS hardware module sends every change, in an adjustable interval, values, so called metrics, to Symcon's own MQTT server.

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The module can detect anomalies in the archive. The anomalies are displayed in a list and can be removed directly. In addition, the module creates a report with all the values that have been deleted.

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The Tibber Library provides 2 modules with which the "Tibber Query API" and the "Tibber Realtime API" can be queried.

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Hardware Monitor

Dieses Modul greift die JSON Daten des Libre Hardware Monitor ab und liefert die gewünschten Werte als Variablen in IP-Symcon. Die gewünschten Werte können im Browser unter diesem (Beispiel)-Pfad lokalisiert und dann im Modul mit der ID-Nummer eingetragen werden. Es muss darauf geachtet werden, dass keine ID's von ganzen Gruppen hinzugefügt werden. Diese führt zu unkontrollierter Erstellung von Variablen. Es werden vier Variablen pro gewählter ID erstellt

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Tibber V.2

Die Tibber V.2 Library stellt 2 Module zur Verfügung mit denen die "Tibber Query API" und die "Tibber Realtime API" abgefragt werden können
Die Version 2. der Tibber API wurde notwendig, da einige Techniken nur noch ab Symcon 7.1 und PHP 8 zur Verfügung stehen.
Das Tibber_Query Modul enthält eine anpassbare Preisvorschau für die neue Kachelvisualierung

Meinen Dank geht an da8ter für seine Kachelsammlung!

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Drag Pointer

A variable that remains at the highest or lowest value until reset.

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