Require: IP-Symcon >= 2.2
boolean WFC_SendNotification (int $InstanceID, string $Title, string $Text, string $Icon, int $Timeout)
InstanceID | ID of the WebFront configurator |
Title | Titel of the message |
Text | Text of the message. Can also be empty. |
Icon | If not empty, then the icon will be displayed. See Icons |
Timeout | Time to be displayed in seconds. 0 = Only hide when the user clicks on the message. |
If the command succeeds, it returns TRUE, otherwise FALSE.
Sends a short message with Title, Text and Icon to the WebFront that is reassigned to the configurator with the ID InstanceID. The message appears as a small box in the upper right corner of the WebFront and is displayed for Timeout seconds.
WFC_SendNotification(12345, 'Test', 'This is a nice Test', 'Speaker', 4);