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Value Presentation

Require: IP-Symcon >= 8.0


Information about the visual properties and meanings of the parameters can be found in the Object Presentation.

Name Type Parameter Description
ICON String Default Icon Icons
COLOR Integer Default Color
PREFIX String Prefix
SUFFIX String Suffix

Float and Integer

Name Type Parameter Description
USAGE_TYPE Integer Variable Usage 5: None of these                      0, 1: Temperature
PERCENTAGE Boolean Display Type true: Percentage, false: Absolute
MIN Integer/Float Minimum Value
MAX Integer/Float Maximum Value
THOUSANDS_SEPARATOR String Thousands Separator Client: Default from Client, otherwise directly the value
DIGITS Integer Digits
DECIMAL_SEPARATOR String Decimal Separator Client: Default from Client, otherwise directly the value
INTERVALS_ACTIVE Boolean Use updated parameters for specific intervals
INTERVALS String Intervals JSON-encoded list of objects, the exact parameters are described under Intervals


Name Type Parameter Description
IntervalMinValue Integer/Float Interval Start
IntervalMaxValue Integer/Float Interval End
ConstantActive Boolean Display false: Formatted Value, true: Constant
ConstantValue String Constant
ConversionFactor Integer/Float Conversion Factor
PrefixActive Boolean Overwrite Prefix
PrefixValue String Prefix
SuffixActive Boolean Overwrite Suffix
SuffixValue String Suffix
DigitsActive Boolean Overwrite Digits
DigitsValue Integer Digits
IconActive Boolean Overwrite Icon
IconValue String Icon
ColorActive Boolean Overwrite Color
Color Integer Color

Boolean and String

Name Type Parameter Description
MULTILINE Boolean Multiline
OPTIONS String Options JSON-encoded list of objects, the exact parameters are described under Options described


Name Type Parameter Description
Value Boolean/String Value Depends on the type of the variable
Caption String Caption
IconActive Boolean Overwrite Icon
Icon String Icon Icons
Color Active Boolean Overwrite Color
Color Integer Color
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