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Value Input

Require: IP-Symcon >= 5.0

A Value Input allows you to change values as free text.


A Value Input is a variable with the presentation Value Input. To use this spresentation, the variable must fulfill the following conditions:


Parameter Description
Prefix Is written in front of the variable value during formatting
Suffix Is written after the variable value during formatting
Multiline Input If active, input over multiple lines is possible. Otherwise, the input is restricted to a single line (only available for variables of type String)

If the variable is numeric, inputs that are not numbers are filtered out

Display as legacy profile

If a variable uses the presentation Legacy profile, it is displayed as a Value Input

When using a variable profile, the parameter "Multiline Input" is active for the variable profile "~TextBox" and inactive otherwise.

Appearance in Tile Visualization

As own Tile

Value Input as Tile

Within a List

Value Input in List

Appearance in the WebFront

Value Input in WebFront
Any questions?