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Require: IP-Symcon >= 8.0

Duration can be used to format the time until/since a point in time or a simple value as a duration.


Duration is a variable with the presentation duration. To use this presentation, the variable must fulfill the following conditions:


Parameter Description
Display Type Defines how the displayed value is created.
Value in variable: The duration in seconds which should be formatted
Duration until value in variable: The duration until the time coded as a Unix timestamp
Duration since value in variable: The duration since the time coded as a Unix timestamp
Format The format for in which the duration is formatted. The following are possible: "seconds only", "minutes and seconds", and "hours, minutes and seconds"
Show Milliseconds Determines whether milliseconds should also be displayed

If the display type includes a point in time, the displayed value is updated automatically.

Appearance in tile visualization

As own tile


Within a list

Duration in list

Appearance in the WebFront

This display is not supported by the WebFront. Instead, the unformatted value of the variable is displayed.

Any questions?