

This module triggers an alert if a sensor variable becomes active. In case of an alert, the target variables are set to their maximum value or On (True). Once an alert was triggered, it is not automatically deactivated and needs to be reset manually.

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Presence Simulation

Simulates the presence of persons at home. The module utilizes randomly selected day data from one of the last four identical weekdays. If there are not sufficient logged triggers within these four days, one of the last 30 days is picked at random.
If there is no valid day data within these 30 days, simulation is not possible. In that case, the String variable "Simulationsquelle (Tag)" shows a corresponding message.

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Checks if variables are overdue. If variables are overdue, an alert is set and a list of alerts is displayed within the WebFront.

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Das Modul unterstützt das Versenden von Pushover Notifications. Des weiteren unterstützt das Modul die Aktualisierung der Pushover Glances welche z.B. auf der Apple Watch angezeigt werden.

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Variable Watchdog

Monitor variables for regular changes or updates.
Allow scripts to execute when a variable has not changed or has not been updated over a period of time.

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Universal Event

Allows to respond to changes in IP-Symcon that are not mapped by normal events or event control.
With the containing modules PHP scripts can be started if, for example:

An object has been moved
The name of the object was changed
The visibility of an object has changed
The settings of an instance have been changed
An event was deactivated or activated
A media object has been updated
A link has changed

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Connection of the devices that are summarized by Netatmo under the term "Security":

  • Outdoor camera ("Outdoor" or "Presence")
  • Indoor camera ("Indoor" or "Welcome")
  • Video doorbell
  • Smoke detector
  • Carbon monoxide detector
    Note: there is no implementation for the smoke detector yet due to a lack of testing opportunities.

Depending on the product type, the module includes the following functions:

  • Calling up the status
  • Storage of events for a definable period of time
  • Receiving messages from WebHook
  • Determination of URLs for retrieving videos and snapshots (live and historical)
  • Integration of videos optionally transferred from Netatmo via FTP
  • Control (camera off/on, light)
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This module enables notifications over multiple levels. The level is increased after a defined time and is reset on acknowledgment. When a new level is reached, diverse actions can be executed.

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The Announcement Module provides the ability to play back audio generated by AWS Polly through Sonos devices or the Media Player.

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Integration of IP cameras and encoders (ONVIF Profile S and T) in Symcon

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Phone Chain

The Phone Chain module allows to call a list of phone numbers one after the other.

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Dieses Modul dient zum Abrufen der von DWD bereitgestellten Unwetterwarnungen (Gewitter, Stark- und Dauerregen, Schneefall, Wind, Nebel, Frost, Glatteis, Tauwetter, UV-Strahlung, Hitze).

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Let's Encrypt

Erstellt kostenlose SSL Zertifikate für eine WebServer Instanz über Let's Encrypt

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Das Modul liest Parameter aus einem Synology NAS aus.

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Blue Iris

For controlling and reading out a Blue-Iris server

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Blink Home System

Modulbibliothek für die Einbindung, Verwaltung und Steuerung des intelligentem und drahtlosen HD-Heimüberwachungs- und Alarmsystem von Amazon Blink in IP-Symcon.

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The only lock that opens your door with a single tap.

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Make door smart. Unlock it automatically and remotely
with your smartphone or smart home system.

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Pontos Base

Module to receive Date from Watermanamementsystem from hansgrohe Pontos Base

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AdGuard Home

Integration of AdGuard Home in IP-Symcon

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Philips HUE V2

Connects the HUE Bridge to IP-Symcon.

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Pontos Base V2

the new module V2 for Pontos Base allows to query and control the hansgrohe Pontosbase from Symcon, so you can change profiles, delete alarms, close/open valves, and much more.

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Creates daily full or incremental backups of IP-Symcon to an FTP/FTPS/SFTP server

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Steuerung Garage & Hoftor

Das Modul ermöglicht die Steuerung und Automatition von Garagen- und Hoftoren. So ist es möglich diese als Taster zu steuern, aber auch in Homekit zu integrieren. Weiterhin gibt es Funktionen zum automatischen Schließen oder Lüften.
Zur Sicherheit werden Lichtschranken und Endlagesensoren unterstützt.

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This implementation of the API from the Velux KLF200 Gateway enables the integration of all io-homecontrol® devices supported by this gateway.

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Tailscale VPN

Allows setting up Tailscale VPN on the SymBox

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Displays active faults and allows them to be acknowledged or escalated

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Supports sending and receiving SMS with a Teltonika router as SMS gateway

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Pinpad for TileVisualiation

Shows a simple pinpad. The code entered and sent is written to a variable for further processing. A function can also be used to send text to the pinpad for display

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