

The module is used to receive EgiGeoZone data.

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The module is used to receive Geofency data.

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[Deprecated] Wunderground

Deprecated: This module only works with an old API key. These cannot be requested any more. For a current connection, please use another Wunderground module from the Module Store.

The module requests weather data from the Wunderground API.
A registration on is required to get an API key.
Current data, storm warnings, as well as hourly and daily forecasts can be requested.

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The Things Network

Das Modul verbindet das The Things Network mit IP-Symcon. Hierfür wird die HTTP-Integration genutzt

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Create dynamic, static, and embedded maps from Google Maps.
The following APIs are supported:

  • dynamic map (Maps JavaScript API)
  • static map (Maps Static API)
  • embedded map (Maps Embed API)
  • Distance and travel duration calculation (DistanceMatrix API)
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Simplified interface to a MySQL database for the basic commands, the mysqli interface is used.

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Ookla's Speedtest ( provides a tool for determining Internet bandwidth. In addition to the website, there is also a command line interface; this interface is used with this module.

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NUT is short for Network-UPS-Tools. With this protocol it is possible to query a UPS remotely and to control it to a certain extent

The module offers the possibility to access a NUT server as a client.

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Das Modul dient zum Empfangen von Geofencing Daten der iOS App "Pado". Damit ist es möglich, das Verlassen und Betreten von Orten in IP-Symcon zu registrieren.

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Meteobridge & Meteohub Module

Module integrating Meteobridge and Meteohub Weather Servers. Through these servers it is possible to quickly link e.g. Personal Weather Stations from DAVIS (Vue/Vantage) and all their sensors into Symcon - other linked weather stations should also work, but have not be tested.
Variables provided include Temperatures, Pressurece, Rain, Solar Radition, UV, Soil Wetness and various others.

Through a warning timer it is possible to monitor Wind on a higher granularity e.g. to retract a marques during storm.

Questions, Screenshots etc. please visit the Forum:

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Rückwärtssuche von Telefonnummern über das Internet.

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The Tibber Library provides 2 modules with which the "Tibber Query API" and the "Tibber Realtime API" can be queried.

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Tibber V.2

Die Tibber V.2 Library stellt 2 Module zur Verfügung mit denen die "Tibber Query API" und die "Tibber Realtime API" abgefragt werden können
Die Version 2. der Tibber API wurde notwendig, da einige Techniken nur noch ab Symcon 7.1 und PHP 8 zur Verfügung stehen.
Das Tibber_Query Modul enthält eine anpassbare Preisvorschau für die neue Kachelvisualierung

Meinen Dank geht an da8ter für seine Kachelsammlung!

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