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How can I...?


Many of these scripts use special IP-Symcon functions.
The Command Reference/Module Reference entail further information on how exactly these functions work.

... switch on a device and switch it off again after 60 seconds
... get a list of module names including GUID
... configure an instance from PHP
... find out the remaining number of seconds of a ScriptTimer
... directly include a script by ID
... Output UpdateTime in a separate string variable (1 script - n variables)
... create a timer & variable from PHP
... download a file from the Internet
... load a folder recursively into the MediaPlayer playlist
... export a variable profile

... switch on a device and switch it off again after 60 seconds

if($_IPS['SENDER'] == "TimerEvent")
    //From function

    //Turn off the timer
    IPS_SetScriptTimer($_IPS['SELF'], 0);
} else {
    //To function

    //Turn on the timer
    IPS_SetScriptTimer($_IPS['SELF'], 60);

... get a list of module names and GUID

foreach(IPS_GetModuleList() as $mid)
    $m = IPS_GetModule($mid);
    echo $mid."=".$m['ModuleName']."\n";

... configure an instance from PHP

//Change property

//Apply changes

//Get new URL

... find out the remaining number of seconds of a ScriptTimer

echo GetTimeRemaining($_IPS['SELF']); //Find out by yourself
function GetTimeRemaining($id)
    $eid=@IPS_GetEventIDByName("ScriptTimer", $id);
    if($eid === false) {
        return -1;
    } else {
        if($e['NextRun'] == 0)
            return -1;
        } else {
            return $e['NextRun'] - microtime(true);

... directly include a script by ID

//Include script with ID 14871

... Output UpdateTime in a separate string variable (1 script - n variables)

//Evaluate event
if($_IPS['SENDER'] != "Variable")

SetValue(CreateVariableIDByName($_IPS['VARIABLE'], 'Updated', 3), date("d.m.y H:i:s"));

function CreateVariableIDByName($id, $name, $type)
    $vid = @IPS_GetVariableIDByName($name, $id);
    if($vid===false) {
        $vid = IPS_CreateVariable($type);
        IPS_SetParent($vid, $id);
        IPS_SetName($vid, $name);
        IPS_SetInfo($vid, "This Variable was created by Script #".$_IPS['SELF']);
    return $vid;

... create a timer & variable from PHP


When the script runs, it sets a timer that starts every six hours and then puts a variable with the time of day as a value between 0-3 into the variable.

//This script sets itself up automatically when run
//- A variable is set depending on the time of day (0-3)
// 0 = 0-6
// 1 = 6-12
// 2 = 12-18
// 3 = 19-24

//From this point nothing needs to be changed
if($_IPS['SENDER'] == "Execute")
    $eventid = @IPS_GetEventIDByName("Timer", $_IPS['SELF']);
    if($eventid === false)
        $eventid = IPS_CreateEvent(1); //Cyclic
        IPS_SetEventActive($eventid, true);
        IPS_SetName($eventid, "Timer");
        IPS_SetEventScript($eventid, $_IPS['SELF']);
        IPS_SetEventCyclic($eventid, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 6);
    $variableid = @IPS_GetVariableIDByName("Daytime", $_IPS['SELF']);
    if($variableid === false)
        $variableid = IPS_CreateVariable(1);
        IPS_SetName($variableid, "Daytime");
        IPS_SetParent($variableid, $_IPS['SELF']);
SetValue(IPS_GetVariableIDByName("Daytime", $_IPS['SELF']), floor(date("H") / 6));

... download a file from the Internet

$remoteImage = "https://www.google.com/images/srpr/logo3w.png";
$localImage = IPS_GetKernelDir()."\\media\\image.jpg";

$content = @file_get_contents($remoteImage);
if((strpos($http_response_header[0], "200") === false))

//Save to computer
file_put_contents( $localImage, $content );

... load a folder recursively into the MediaPlayer playlist

function WAC_PlayDir($id, $dir)
    function ReadRecursive($dir, $subdir = "") {
        $result = Array();
        $files = scandir($dir."/".$subdir);
        foreach($files as $file)
            if(($file != ".") && ($file != "..")) {
                if(is_dir($dir."/".$subdir."/".$file)) {
                    $res = ReadRecursive($dir, $subdir."/".$file);
                    $result = array_merge($res, $result);
                } else {
                    $filedir = $subdir."/".$file;
                    $filedir = substr($filedir, 1, strlen($filedir));
                    $result[] = $filedir;
        return $result;

    $allowed = Array("mp3", "wma");
    $files = ReadRecursive($dir);

    //Use PHP's random number generator

    foreach($files as $file)
        $ext = pathinfo($dir."/".$file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
        if(in_array(strtolower($ext), $allowed))
            WAC_AddFile($id, $dir."/".$file);

... export a variable profile

getVariableProfileCreationCode("~Temperature.FHT", "TemperatureTest");

// first function parameter: Profile name, second parameter (optional): new profile name
function getVariableProfileCreationCode ($profileName, $newProfileName = "")
    $profile = IPS_GetVariableProfile($profileName);
    if ($profile !== false)
        $profileName = (strlen($newProfileName) > 0) ? $newProfileName : $profileName;
        echo 'IPS_CreateVariableProfile("'.$profileName.'", '.$profile['ProfileType'].');'."\n";
        echo 'IPS_SetVariableProfileText("'.$profileName.'", "'.$profile['Prefix'].'", "'.$profile['Suffix'].'");'."\n";
        echo 'IPS_SetVariableProfileValues("'.$profileName.'", '.$profile['MinValue'].', '.$profile['MaxValue'].', '.$profile['StepSize'].');'."\n";
        echo 'IPS_SetVariableProfileDigits("'.$profileName.'", '.$profile['Digits'].');'."\n";
        echo 'IPS_SetVariableProfileIcon("'.$profileName.'", "'.$profile['Icon'].'");'."\n";
        foreach ($profile['Associations'] as $association)
            echo 'IPS_SetVariableProfileAssociation("'.$profileName.'", '.$association['Value'].', "'.$association['Name'].'", "'.$association['Icon'].'", '.$association['Color'].');'."\n";
        echo "\n";
Any questions?