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Require: IP-Symcon >= 2.2

SMTP is a module of IP-Symcon that can send e-mails. The module is set up as an instance in IP-Symcon. It can be found under Manufacturer "None" and "Send Email (SMTP)". The individual properties can be found in the table.


In order to send a message to one or more e-mail addresses, the SMTP_SendMailEx function must be used.


The emails cannot be specially formatted. /n /r are functional but any formatting such as bold, italics etc will not work. A PHPMailer, for example, must be used for this instead.

Property Meaning
Host Server name or IP to the mail provider
Port Port on which the server is working
SSL Indicates whether SSL should be used
Authentication Indicates whether a username/password is required
Username Username (details are available from the mail provider)
Password Password
Sender-Name The name visible to the recipient
Sender-Address The address visible to the recipient. Depending on the provider, the sender address must match ones own address.
Recipient Only required for the SMTP_SendMail function, which automatically sends to the recipient of this field.

An overview of host, port and authentication for many providers can be viewed here: table

Example with Gmail

Gmail does not allow direct access with the username and password without further settings. With these settings, it depends on whether two-factor authentication is activated.

Without two-factor authentication

For use without two-factor authentication, "Access through less secure apps" must be activated in the administration of the Google account under "Security". A direct link would be myaccount.google.com/lesssecureapps .

When access is enabled, it looks like this. Username and password can now be used to log in.

enabled access

With two-factor authentication

When using two-factor authentication, an app password must be assigned in the administration of the Google account under "Security" in the "Sign in to Google" section.

Click on the line "App passwords".

app password

A new password with an individual name can be generated in the overview.

app password

The generated password must then be entered in IP-Symcon.

app password
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