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Power price

Require: IP-Symcon >= 7.1

Reads out the current/predicted electricity prices from aWATTar, Tibber or Epex Spot DE.

range of functions

  • Reads out electricity prices from various providers
  • Visual history of market data
  • Manual input of taxes, surcharge and base price

software installation

  • Install the 'Electricity price' module via the Module Store.
  • Alternatively, add the following URL via the Module Control

Set up the instances in IP-Symcon

Under 'Add instance', the 'Electricity price' module can be found using the quick filter.

Configuration page:

Name Description
Provider Electricity provider from which the data is to be obtained
Market Selection of country
Base price Base price of the electricity
Surcharge Percentage surcharge on the market price
Tax rate Tax rate to be added to the electricity

status variables and profiles

The status variables/categories are created automatically. Deleting individual ones can lead to malfunctions.

status variables

Name Type Description
Market data String Data to display the chart
Current price Float Current electricity price


Name Type
Cent Float


In the tile visualization, the module offers a bar chart that shows the course of the electricity price.

Any questions?