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Phone Announcement

Require: IP-Symcon >= 5.5

The Telephone Announcement Module allows the convenient linking of a VoIP instance and a text-to-speech instance (Polly) to call a phone number and output a text when the call is answered. In addition, the module can respond to DTMF tones and output other texts.

Scope of functions

  • Calling a phone number and outputting a text
  • Evaluating DTMF tones
  • Output of further texts on an existing connection


Software Installation

  • Using the Module Store, install the 'Phone Announcement module.

Setting up the instances in IP-Symcon

  • Under 'Add Instance' the 'Phone Announcement' module can be found using the quick filter.

Configuration Page:

Name Description
VoIP instance The VoIP instance that manages the calls
Text-to-Speech instance (Polly) The text-to-speech instance that converts the texts into audio data
Duration until disconnected The maximum time to wait for a call to be answered

status variables

The status variables/categories are created automatically. Deleting individual ones can lead to malfunctions.


Name Type Description
Phone Number String The phone number that will be called when "Start Call" is pressed
Text String The text that will be output initially when "Start call" is pressed. If this variable is switched while a connection is established, the new text will be output directly
DTMF Tone String If a DTMF tone is used during the call, it will be stored in this variable
Start Call Script Starts a call with the currently set phone number and the current text
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