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Logic Gate

Require: IP-Symcon >= 5.0

This module enables the determination of logical connection between several variables. Here, the Boolean interpretation of the input variables is used.

functional scope

  • Determining the logical relationship of variable values
  • Supported operations:
    • OR
    • AND
    • NOR
    • NAND
  • Output is kept up to date and is updated as soon as one of the input variables changes

software installation

Setting up the instances in IP-Symcon

  • Under "Add instance" the 'Logik Gate' module is listed under the manufacturer '(Other)'
  • At 'Calculation' select the desired operation
  • In the list 'Input' select the desired input variables
    • 'Invert' can be activated to negate the input value of this variable
    • If a non-Boolean variable is selected, it will be interpreted as a boolean value, e.g. 0 as false

status variables

The status variable "output" contains the current result of the logical operation


The current output is displayed.

Any questions?