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LCN (Local Control Network) is a wired bus system.


The following devices are supported by IP-Symcon:

Supported devices


The new modules with 12 variables (since firmware 160B13) are supported since IP-Symcon 3.0.


In order to be able to connect an LCN bus to IP-Symcon, a Bus-Coupler (LCN-PKU ) with coupling program PCHK or an Ethernet-Coupler (LCN-VISU ) is required.

Setup video-tutorial

Integration in IP-Symcon

A configurator for the LCN system can be created via the Management Console.
After a configurator has been created, a red message may appear. This indicates an incorrect or incomplete configuration. To correct the error, the user name and password must be specified in the parent instance. The change is saved by clicking on "Apply".

LCN: Logged-In

If it is not possible to log in after applying, the network configuration within the interface must be checked. Also, in the gateway, the output mode can also be selected between 50 and 200 steps.

After successfully logging in, modules can be searched for on the bus in the configurator, created in IP-Symcon and the individual modules can be created as IP-Symcon splitter instances.

LCN: Configuration

Configure Modules

As soon as a module is created in the configurator and the configuration button is pressed, a new dialog opens.

LCN: Module-Configuration

In order to create the individual instances, the desired relays, inputs/outputs, etc. must be selected and "Create" must be clicked on.

New devices are created and sorted within the object tree into the category that matches the name of the module. These created instances can then be renamed accordingly and sorted elsewhere. It is also possible to call up the respective instance configuration via "Configure".

LCN: Instance-Configuration
Any questions?