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Dynamic Mail

Require: IP-Symcon >= 7.1

Sends an e-mail with a dynamic text.

Range of functions

  • Sending an e-mail with a fixed/dynamic text
  • Dynamic by replacing placeholders with the variable values

Software installation

  • Install the 'Dynamic e-mail' module via the Module Store.

Setting up the instances in IP-Symcon

Under 'Add instance', the 'Dynamic E-Mail' module can be found using the quick filter.

Configuration page:

Name Description
SMTP instance SMTP instance which is fully configured
Dynamic subject Text input which can be set.
Dynamic text Multi-line text input.

The subject and the text are given a dynamic by inserting variable values. These can be set within the text by the variable ID placed in curly brackets. If the ID is too short or not a variable, the brackets with the number remain.

Action area:

Name Description
Send Test Sends an e-mail with the set subject and text
Preview e-mail with subject A preview with set variable values
Placeholder variables Table with the given placeholders

The placeholders found are listed in the table with their current value and status. If a placeholder is not available, the number entered is not an ID. If a placeholder is invalid, the ID found is not a variable.

Status variables and profiles

No variables or profiles are created.


The instance has no functionality in the visualization.

Any questions?