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Dew Point Temperature Calculation

Calculation of the dew point with the relative humidity and room temperature.
The calculation is based on the formulas from the page Wetterochs.

function scope

  • Calculation of dew point temperature
  • Calculation of the temperature above which the risk of mold growth increases

Software installation

  • Install the 'DewPointCalculation' module via the Module Store.

Set up the instances in IP-Symcon

Under 'Add Instance' the 'DewPointCalculation' module can be found using the quick filter.

Configuration page:

name description
Room temperature Temperature prevailing in the room in °C
Humidity Relative humidity, which prevails

status variables

The status variables/categories are created automatically. Deleting individual ones can lead to malfunctions.

Status variables

Name Type Description
dew point float temperature, when falling below, excess water vapor will turn into water
temperature for risk of mold float temperature, when falling below this increases the risk of mold growth
Alarm for mold risk boolean Alarm, which is triggered when the temperature falls below the temperature for mold risk. It will be turned off when the room temperature is 1°C above the mold risk temperature.
Any questions?