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Consumption Behaviour

Require: IP-Symcon >= 6.0

The module calculates the probable consumption for the period based on an outdoor temperature variable and a meter variable using linear regression. The more values are available for the outdoor temperature and the meter, the more accurately the expected consumption can be determined.

functional scope

  • Calculates a probable consumption from two variables

Software installation

  • Via the Module Store install the 'Consumption Behaviour' module.

Set up instances in IP-Symcon

  • Under 'Add Instance' the 'Consumption Behaviour' module can be found using the quick filter.

Configuration Page:

name description
Variable for outdoor temperature Logged variable for outdoor temperature
Variable for counter Logged variable for counter
Period Period for which the calculation is to be performed
Limit Maximum number of records to be used for the regression. 0 = No limit
Interval Time interval of the timer in which the variable should be calculated again
Calculate Button to recalculate the variable

For the counter variable, there must be at least 2 records for 3 consecutive periods for a calculation to take place. For period day, the hourly aggregation of the variables is used. For all other periods the daily aggregation of the variables is used.

status variables

The status variables/categories are created automatically. Deleting individual ones can lead to malfunctions.

Status variables

Name Type Description
Expectation of current period float Displays the expected consumption based on the outdoor temperature of the current period
Expectation of the last period float Displays the expected consumption based on the outdoor temperature of the last period
Extrapolation of the current period float Displays the extrapolated consumption of the current period
Extrapolation of the last period float Displays the extrapolated consumption of the last period
Value of the current period float Displays the current consumption of the current period
Value of the last period float Displays the consumption of the last period
Percent of the current period float Shows how far the extrapolated consumption differs from the expected value in percent
Percent of the last period float Shows how far the extrapolated consumption differs from the expected value in percent
Coefficient of determination of the current period float Accuracy of the expectation calculation of the current period
Coefficient of determination of the last period float Accuracy of the expectation calculation of the last period

Mathematical formulas

Expectation is calculated using simple linear regression. Mathematically Explained. Here the sum of the positive result is calculated from the calculation m temperature average (depending on the period) b. m and b are determined by the linear regression.

The extrapolation again consists of the average value of the period multiplied by the period length.

Any questions?