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Require: IP-Symcon >= 6.3

Creates a backup via SFTP, FTP or FTPS.

range of functions

  • Creates a backup via SFTP, FTP or FTPS on a server
  • Updates a backup via SFTP, FTP or FTPS on a server

Software installation

  • Install the 'Backup (SFTP/FTP/FTPS)' module via the Module Store.

Set up the instances in IP-Symcon

The 'Backup (SFTP/FTP/FTPS)' module can be found under 'Add instance' using the quick filter.

Configuration page:

Name Description
Connection type Selection of the connection type
Host IP address of the server
Port Port on which the client connects to the server. For FTPS and FTP this is normally 21, for SFTP this is port 22
User name User name for the SFTP connection
Password Password for the SFTP connection
Mode Mode for which a backup is to be created
Change folder to A new folder is created at the beginning of the period
Destination folder Folder on the server where the backup is to be created
Search target folder Browse through the folders and a valid path can be created
Activate automatic backups Activates a daily update
Daily at Time when the update starts daily
Expert options ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Size limit If a file is larger than this limit, it is ignored
Filtered folders Filter to not transfer certain folders
Create backup Button which starts an update immediately.
Test connection Tests whether a connection can be established

Full backup: Creates a complete copy in a separate folder according to the pattern: symcon-backup-{year}-{month}-{day}-{hour}-{minute}-{second}
Incremental backup: Updates an existing backup.
If the 'Change by folder' option is not set to 'Never', the folder is changed after the set time.
The folders that are created during the incremental backup follow the following pattern:

  • Never: symcon-backup
  • Week: symcon-backup-{year}-0{calendar-week}
  • Month: symcon-backup-{year}-{month}
  • Year: symcon-backup-{year}

status variables

The status variables/categories are created automatically. Deleting individual ones can lead to malfunctions.

Name Type Description
Last completed backup Integer Time at which the last backup was completed
Megabytes transferred Float Megabytes transferred during the last update
Any questions?