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Require: IP-Symcon >= 5.3


Devices of the type Shutters can be opened and closed. If the device supports percentual opening, it can be controlled as well.


Name Description
Name Name that is used to address the device via Amazon Alexa
Shutter Variable A triggerable variable of the type Integer or Float with the profile ~ShutterMoveStop or ~ShutterMoveStep. Alternatively, a variable that has a defined minimum and maximum value via profile can be used

Possible Actions

Action Description Possible Sentence for Activation
Open When a ~ShutterMove profile is used, trigger the variable to "Open". Otherwise, the variable is triggered to the minimal value of the profile. "Alexa, open <Name>"
Close When a ~ShutterMove profile is used, trigger the variable to "Close". Otherwise, the variable is triggered to the maximum value of the profile. "Alexa, close <Name>"
Open percentually When a ~ShutterMove profile is used, trigger the variable to "Open" if the percentual value is bigger than 50% and to "Close" otherwise. Otherwise, the variable is triggered according to the percentage value. It should be mentioned, that the variable is triggered to 0% on a complete opening and similar computations are applied for other values as well. For example, opening by 30% will trigger the variable to 70%. "Alexa, open <Name> by 30%"

An instance must have status variables with the fitting profiles to be detected by the device search.

Variable Possible Profiles
Switch Variable ~ShutterMoveStop, ~ShutterMoveStep, ~Intensity.100, ~Intensity.255, ~Intensity.1
Any questions?