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Creates an input field for numbers with the heading caption.
If created in the "Elements" area, the NumberSpinner sets a property to the entered numerical value when accepted.
The parameter "Name" defines which property is set.


The digits parameter is used to determine whether the entered number is interpreted as an integer or a float (floating point number).



Parameter Description
caption Visible caption of the NumberSpinner
digits (optional) (default: 0) Indicates the number of decimal places. (Cannot be combined with hex)
enabled (optional) (default: true) If true, the NumberSpinner can be used, otherwise it is displayed as deactivated (since IP-Symcon 5.2)
hex (optional) (default: false) If true, then a hexadecimal input {1..9, A..F} is allowed. (Cannot be combined with digits)
minimum (optional) (default: no minimum value) Defines a minimum value - If the entered value is less than the minimum value, an error is displayed and changes cannot be accepted (since IP-Symcon 5.3)
maximum (optional) (default: no maximum value) Defines a maximum value - If the entered value is greater than the maximum value, an error is displayed and changes cannot be accepted (since IP-Symcon 5.3)
moreDigits (optional) (default: false) If false, the NumberSpinner is limited to the specified number of decimal places. If this is exceeded, an error is displayed and changes cannot be accepted. If true, any number of decimal places can be specified (cannot be combined with hex; since IP-Symcon 6.0)
name (optional) Name of the NumberSpinner / the property to be set
suffix (optional) (default: "") Visible caption / unit behind the input field
type NumberSpinner
value (optional) (default: 0) The value of the NumberSpinner - If there is an associated property, this parameter is overwritten by the property in the elements area (since IP-Symcon 5.2)
visible (optional) (default: true) If true, the NumberSpinner is visible, otherwise it is invisible (since IP-Symcon 5.2)
width (optional) (default: 300px) Fixed width of the input field in pixels or % as a string, e.g. "40%" or "250px" (since IP-Symcon 5.3)


// without digits/hex parameters
    { "type": "NumberSpinner", "Name": "Port", "caption": "Port" }
    // with digits parameter
    { "type": "NumberSpinner", "Name": "Latitude", "caption": "Latitude (N)", "digits": 2}
    // with hex parameters
    { "type": "NumberSpinner", "Name": "Value", "caption": "Hexvalue", "hex": true}
    // with suffix
    { "type": "NumberSpinner", "Name": "Seconds", "caption": "Seconds", "suffix": "seconds"}
Any questions?