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 array IPS_GetModule (string $ModuleID) 



ID of the module


The following information are available as key => value pairs:

Index Type Description
Aliases array Array of alternative names (string) for the module
ChildRequirements array Array of GUIDs (string), which are expected by child objects
ParentRequirements array Array of GUIDs (string), which are expected by parent objects
Implemented array Array of GUIDs (string) offered by the module
LibraryID string LibraryID in which the module is included
ModuleID string   ID of the module
ModuleName string Name of module
ModuleType integer Type of module (0: Core, 1: I/O, 2: Splitter, 3: Device, 4: Configurator, 5: Discovery, 6: Visualization)
Prefix string Prefix of the module for calling the corresponding PHP functions (since Version 6.1)
Translation array Translations for ModuleName and Aliases (since Version 7.0)
URL string URL to the documentation website
Vendor string System/Manufacturer designation


The command returns an array containing extensive information about the module with the ID ModuleID.


/* returns e.g.:
    [ParentRequirements] => Array
        [0] => {42DFD4E4-5831-4A27-91B9-6FF1B2960260}
    [ChildRequirements] => Array
    [Implemented] => Array
        [0] => {8A4D3B17-F8D7-4905-877F-9E69CEC3D579}
    [Vendor] => KNX
    [Aliases] => Array
       [0] => DPT 013.x

    [Translation] => Array
        [de] => Array
            [KNX DPT 13] => KNX DPT 13
            [DPT 013.x - 4-Byte Signed Value] => DPT 013.x - 4-Byte vorzeichenbehaftet Wert
    [URL] => https://www.symcon.de/service/dokumentation/modulreferenz/knx/
    [LibraryID] => {0945206A-47AA-4FDD-9093-99051E410E82}
    [ModuleID] => {BAEA5454-4256-48AA-982B-538201A374D4}
    [ModuleName] => KNX DPT 13
    [ModuleType] => 3
Any questions?