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Management of Media

IPS_CreateMediacreates a new media object in the media pool
IPS_DeleteMediaremoves a media object from the media pool
IPS_GetMediareturns extensive information about a specific media object
IPS_GetMediaContentreturns the content of a media object
IPS_GetMediaIDreturns the ID of a media object
IPS_GetMediaIDByFilereturn the ID of a media object by its file
IPS_GetMediaIDByNamereturns the ID of a media object by its name
IPS_GetMediaListreturns a list of all media objects in the media pool
IPS_GetMediaListByTypereturns a list of all media objects of a specific type
IPS_MediaExistschecks if a specific media object is contained within the media pool already
IPS_SendMediaEventsend a notification that a media object was changed
IPS_SetMediaCachedactivates that a media object is only modified in the internal memory
IPS_SetMediaContentset the content of a media object
IPS_SetMediaFilebind a media file to a media object
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