Press & Media
IRiS - Intelligent Rettung im SmartHome

The Symcon GmbH coordinates the "IRiS - Intelligent Rescue for SmartHomes" project. This project investigates how a SmartHome can save lives together with a fire brigade in a case of a fire. Here, supporting measures in the house should be switched automatically and the fire brigade should be given access to the actuators and sensors. As a result, a greatly increased success rate is expected, since the first steps can be taken before the fire brigade arrives and the operation can be carried out more effectively and efficiently.
The research project is carried out by Symcon GmbH together with the University of Paderborn and Vomatec GmbH. The focus of Symcon GmbH is on the automatic reaction of the house and the appropriate provision of sensors and actuators to the fire brigade.
The project started on October 1st 2017 and is scheduled for three years. It is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.
Symcon GmbH receives funding from the Future Program Economy

Symcon GmbH is constantly researching and developing new and innovative products for the building automation sector. We are pleased to inform you that we have received funding for a new development. This comes from the future economic program with funds from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). The application number is 094 13 007 OP.
Funding is provided for innovative projects in industrial research and experimental development that enable the creation and retention of future-oriented jobs in Schleswig-Holstein.
Selected location in the land of ideas

IP-Symcon is a member of SmartHome Paderborn e.V. The Home was part of the event series "365 Places in the land of ideas", which was jointly organized by the location initiative "Germany - Land of Ideas" and Deutsche Bank. As "Selected location" As a “Selected Location”, the SmartHome Paderborn represented Germany as the “Land of Ideas” under the patronage of Federal President Horst Köhler in 2009 and thus made our country's innovative spirit tangible.
Details can be found online at: Land-of-Ideas
SmartHome Initiative Germany

IP-Symcon is founding member of the "SmartHome Initiative Deutschland e.V." The association is a national communication plattform that serves the exchange of experience between the mostly regionally oriented and user-related organizations. The insights and results gained from the respective projects are made available to all members of the initiative. SmartHome Germany wants to give recommendations for both the new building and the existing housing market. It is planned to support builders, tenants and housing companies with certification in the selection of suitable trade and trading partners.
Website: SmartHome Initiative
perpetuum – Das Magazin von EnOcean

The article in the magazine of EnOcean Alliant discuss the topic "“Software Gateway between EnOcean and Home Automation”"
tom’s networking guide

“Perspective and control with IP-Symcon”: Home automation is by no means as simple as the advertisements would have us believe. No manufacturer covers all wishes alone and products from different manufacturers are not compatible. IP-Symcon makes these products interoperable.
Read the whole article: Automation in SmartHome
GD Gebäude Digital

IP-Symcon makes different home automation systems interoperable. Different systems can thus communicate with each other. This is clearly explained in the GD article: “Software vereint verschiedene Systeme” (“Software unites different systems”).
GD Gebäude Digital - The magazine all about building technology.
c’t – Magazine for Computer Technology

Home automation via PC: Close the roller shutter, dim the lights, switch on the projector: When the living room is transformed into a cinema at the touch of a button, it's not just elves involved but it's PC-controlled home automation. And: "The PC as a remote control center" - two reports about IP-Symcon in the c't - one of the leading trade journals in Germany.