New since
IP-Symcon 8.0
Presentations offer a new dimension for the configuration of variables. After selection a presentation type like "Slider", "Color", or "Duration", it can be individualized with different parameters. This new structure enables a multitude of new possibilities for using variables in the visualization.
Door Intercom System
With the implementation of door intercom systems, they can be used seamlessly within the visualisation. On a ring, the image of the camera can be watched directly within a dialog. After talking to the guest, the user can open the door can directly from the dialog.
Wireless M-Bus
In addition to the tethered M-Bus devices, the version 8.0 supports the wireless devices of Wireless M-Bus. These can be connected with the common gateways from WE or IMST.
User Management
The new version offers a user management (RBAC) for our Enterprise customers. Users can be created and assigned to any user group. User accounts can be created directly within IP-Symcon oder imported via LDAP.
All details about IP-Symcon 8.0 can be found in our migration tutorial (German)
New since
IP-Symcon 7.2
New icons
The number of icons has been increased many times over. Instead of the previous 165 icons, you can now choose from 3787 different icons for all possible occasions. The Management Console supports a division by category and an intelligent quick filter so that the optimum icon can easily be selected from this large number of icons.
KNX: Semantic export
Semantic export (TTL) is now integrated in the KNX configurator. This means that the time required to set up the visualization can be reduced to a minimum and the visualization can be set up almost completely with the export - manual reworking or assignment of status addresses, names or the building structure is no longer necessary.
Improved synchronization of remote systems
The integration of the Sync Remote for our Enterprise customers has been further improved. The console now displays special categories such as core, discovery, etc. of the remote system. The display in the physical object tree is now also divided into local and remote systems.
Stable streams in visualization
The stability of video streams in the visualization has been improved. Previously, streams could break or IP-Symcon could crash in some constellations. The errors have been fixed so that streams are now used as intended in the visualization in all cases.
All details about IP-Symcon 7.2 can be found in our migration tutorial (German)
New since
IP-Symcon 7.1
The new HTML SDK enables developers to offer individual presentations for their modules. This enables completely new presenstations such as the heat pump or presence display, which further enhance the tile visualization.
Logic scripts
The previous IPS Workflows from IPSView are transferred to IP-Symcon as logic scripts and can be used without restriction, thus offering even more options for generating optimum automation.
Version 7.1 also brings some new options for tile visualization. The display of categories can now be customized. The Energy Distribution also offers various new options. In particular, it is now possible to group several entries.
VPN (WireGuard)
in the SymBox
With the updated SymOS, VPN can be set up on the SymBox via WireGuard/TailScale. This means that devices in the SymBox network can be accessed remotely. This enables uncomplicated configuration of remote devices.
All details about IP-Symcon 7.1 can be found in our migration tutorial (German)
New since
IP-Symcon 7.0
The new, modern visualization in tile design is available now. With light and dark design, drag&drop editor to position the tiles and many specialized tiles for the most relevant application purposes. Available for web, iOS and Android, it offers a consistent look across platforms. A demo is available at!
energy management
PV surplus optimization with little effort! The new Energy-consumption-optimizer and the energy distribution in the new visualization help to consume the available energy optimally. The new visualization always gives an overview of all values. Templates for ModBus make multiple setups a breeze.
Greatly improved
ModBus connection
The ModBus connection has been revised, so that directly all addresses of a device can be entered in a list. In addition, the device configuration can be exported and imported at any time, making the setup of multiple devices a breeze and the templates can also be shared in our community.
SymBox Pro with
KNX Data Secure
The SymBox Pro is now officially certified by the KNX Association and can be found in the ETS product catalog. This allows group addresses to be dragged directly onto the SymBox Pro tunnel, configuring filter tables and the KNX Data Secure links completely automatically.
All details about IP-Symcon 7.0 can be found in our migration tutorial (German)