The automation within IP-Symcon enables the easy realization of complex wishes and tasks. For this, we provide the necessary tools. We especially considered intuitive handling and comprehensive functionality. With just a few clicks, the behavior you want can be realised.
Flow Script
Whether it's simple time based switch or a more complex If-Then condition, the Flow Script enables a way of realizing each task. IP-Symcon handles this in two easy steps. First, a trigger for the Flow Script is selected, which is based on our established events, that only require some clicks. Afterwards, the execution itself is defined by using actions.

Directly after the creation, you define what starts the Flow Script. You can use triggered or timed events. For example, a triggered event can be pressing a switch or a certain temperature. The timed events can trigger all five minutes, always on the first day of a month, and much more. It is also possible to use freely configurable week schedules. Of course, you can execute the Flow Script manually at any time.
With the actions, you can describe what should happen. Thanks to self-explaining texts and a quick selection, usage is easy and quick at the same time. You can, for example, switch a device, check conditions via If-Then or just wait for a specific duration. The correct commands are automatically recognized by the selection of the device. Of course, this all happens without a single line of source code.

Within the Flow Script, it is possible to analyze your automation. In an easy-to-understand overview every step of previous executions is listed. Runtimes and executions are included as well. As such, you can optimize your automation and analyze and improve resources and runtimes as well as correcting possible errors.
Configure Behavior
In the settings you can configure the behavior of the flow script individually. This allows you to set up a queue so that the flow script that is still running is not canceled in order to process the new command. Or, if an error occurs, actions are retried for a specified number of times.

Logic Scripts
A task is too complex for the schedule? Then this can still be implemented without a line of code with the logic plans. The various blocks can be connected to each other, the execution can be simulated and can also be traced afterwards via the archive.
PHP Scripts (for Experts)
If a solution should not be possible with the extensive Flow Script or if you want to realize yourself, we still offer the established PHP Script Editor. This provides you with complete freedom.