Unterstützte Gateways
Produkt | Beschreibung |
EnOcean LAN Gateway (TCM310/TCM515 LAN Gateway) Produktinformation |
IP Gateway |
BSC-BOR | USB Gateway |
EnOcean USB300 | USB Gateway |
EnOcean Pi | Raspberry Pi Aufsteckplatine |
EnOcean FGW14 (mit FAM14) | USB/Seriell Gateway (Betriebsart 6) und Funkerweiterung FAM14 (Betriebsart 2) |
FAM USB | USB Gateway (Muss als TCM 130 eingetragen werden) |
TCM130 | Alle Geräte die das ESP2 Protokoll unterstützen |
TCM310 | Alle Geräte die das ESP3 Protokoll (Dolphin) unterstützen |
TCM515 | Alle Geräte die das ESP3 Protokoll (Dolphin) unterstützen |
Thermokon STC-Ethernet | IP Gateway |
Unterstützte Geräte
Folgende Geräte wurden auf Ihre Kompatibilität mit IP-Symcon untersucht.
Auf Anfrage überprüfen wir gerne weitere, nicht aufgelistete, Geräte.
Produkt | Beschreibung |
PTM 200 | Button/Expert |
PTM 200 | Schalter |
RCM 1xx | Schaltaktor (Universell) |
STM100 | Sensor |
STM250 | Sensor |
Produkt | Beschreibung |
Drive B2 | Funkstellantrieb |
SENSE TF-H | Raumklima-Sensor (Temperatur und Luftfeuchtigkeit) |
Produkt | Beschreibung | EEP Nummer (Siehe EEP Liste unten) |
DSZ14DRS | Funk-Wechselstromzähler-Sendemodul | EEP: A5-12-01 |
DSZ14WDRS | Funk-Wechselstromzähler-Sendemodul | EEP: A5-12-01 |
F2L14 | RS485-Bus-Aktor 2-Stufen-Lüftungsrelais | eigenständiges Modul |
F3Z14D | RS485-Bus-Stromzähler-Sammler | EEP: A5-12-01 |
F4HK14 | 4-Kanal-Heiz-Kühl-Relais | eigenständiges Modul |
F4T65 | Funksensoren batterie-/leitungslos | EEP: F6-02-01 |
FABH65S | Außen-Bewegungs-Helligkeitssensor | eigenständiges Modul |
FADS60-230V | Funkaktor für Außen-Dämmerungssensor | eigenständiges Modul |
FAE14LPR | Einzelraumregelung Heizen/Kühlen für 2 Zonen | eigenständiges Modul |
FAE14SSR | Einzelraumregelung Heizen/Kühlen für 2 Zonen mit Solid-State-Relais | eigenständiges Modul |
FAFT60 | Außen-Feuchte-Temperatursensor | eigenständiges Modul |
FAH60 | Außen-Helligkeitssensor | eigenständiges Modul |
FAH60B | Außen-Helligkeitssensor | eigenständiges Modul, EEP: A5-06-01 |
FAH63 | Außen-Helligkeitssensor | eigenständiges Modul |
FAH65S | Außen-Helligkeitssensor | eigenständiges Modul |
FASM60 | Funk-Außen-Sendemodul | EEP: F6-02-01 |
FBH65B | Bewegungs-Helligkeitssensor | eigenständiges Modul |
FBH65S | Bewegungs-Helligkeitssensor | eigenständiges Modul |
FBH65TFB | Bewegungs-Helligkeitssensor | eigenständiges Modul |
FCO2TF65 | CO2-Sensor | EEP: A5-09-04 |
FD62NP-230V | Funk-Universal-Dimmaktor ohne N-Anschluss | eigenständiges Modul |
FD62NPN-230V | Funk-Universal-Dimmaktor | eigenständiges Modul |
FFR14 | RS485-Bus-Aktor Feldfreischalter | eigenständiges Modul |
FFR61-230V | Feldfreischalter | eigenständiges Modul |
FHF | Funksensor Fenstergriff | EEP: F6-10-00 |
FHK14 | Funkaktor für Heiz-Kühl-Relais | eigenständiges Modul |
FHK61SSR-230V | Funkaktor für Heiz-Kühl-Relais | eigenständiges Modul |
FHK61U-230V | Funkaktor für Heizrelais | eigenständiges Modul |
FIFT65S | Innen-Feuchte-Temperatursensor | eigenständiges Modul |
FIH65S | Außen-Helligkeitssensor | eigenständiges Modul |
FIH65B | Innen-Helligkeitssensor | EEP: A5-06-02 |
FJ62/12-36V DC | Funk-Jalousie- und Rollladen-Aktor | eigenständiges Modul |
FJ62NP-230V | Funk-Jalousie- und Rollladen-Aktor | eigenständiges Modul |
FKC | Funk-Kartenschalter | eigenständiges Modul |
FKF | Funk-Kartenschalter | eigenständiges Modul |
FL62-230V | Funk-Lichtaktor 10A/250V AC | eigenständiges Modul |
FL62NP-230V | Funk-Lichtaktor 10A/250V AC | eigenständiges Modul |
FLC61-230V | Funk-Licht-Controller | eigenständiges Modul |
FMS14 | RS485-Bus-Aktor Multifunktions-Stromstoß-Schaltrelais | eigenständiges Modul |
FMS61NP-230V | Funkaktor Multifunktions-Stromstoßschalter | eigenständiges Modul |
FMZ14 | RS485-Bus-Aktor Multifunktions-Zeitrelais | eigenständiges Modul |
FMZ61-230V | Funkaktor Multifunktions-Zeitrelais | eigenständiges Modul |
FR62-230V | Funk-Relaisaktor 10 A/250 V AC | eigenständiges Modul |
FR62NP-230V | Funk-Relaisaktor 10 A/250 V AC | eigenständiges Modul |
FRGBW71L | Dimmaktor | eigenständiges Modul |
FRW | Funksensor Rauchwarnmelder | eigenständiges Modul |
FSB14 | Aktor für Beschattungselemente und Rollladen | eigenständiges Modul |
FSB61 | Funkaktor für Beschattungselemente und Rollladen | eigenständiges Modul |
FSB71 | Funkaktor für Beschattungselemente und Rollladen | eigenständiges Modul |
FSDG14 | Funk-Wechselstromzähler-Sendemodul | EEP: A5-12-01 |
FSG14/1-10V | Dimmaktor | eigenständiges Modul |
FSG71/1-10V | Dimmaktor | eigenständiges Modul |
FSM14 | Funk-Sendemodul | EEP: F6-02-01 |
FSM60B | 4-Kanal Eingang | EEP: A5-30-03 |
FSM61 | Funk-2fach-Sendemodul | EEP: F6-01-01 |
FSR14SSR | RS485-Bus-Aktor 2-Kanal-Stromstoß-Schaltrelais geräuschlos | eigenständiges Modul |
FSR14-2x | RS485-Bus-Aktor 2-Kanal-Stromstoß-Schaltrelais | eigenständiges Modul |
FSR14-4x | RS485-Bus-Aktor 4-Kanal-Stromstoß-Schaltrelais | eigenständiges Modul |
FSR61-230V | Funkaktor für Stromstoß-Schaltrelais | eigenständiges Modul |
FSR61/8-24V | Funkaktor für Stromstoß-Schaltrelais | eigenständiges Modul |
FSR61LN-230V | Funkaktor für Stromstoß-Schaltrelais | eigenständiges Modul |
FSR61NP-230V | Funkaktor für Stromstoß-Schaltrelais | eigenständiges Modul |
FSR61VA | Funk-Wechselstromzähler-Sendemodul | EEP: A5-12-01 |
FSR61VA-10A | Funkaktor für 10A-Stromstoß-Schaltrelais | eigenständiges Modul |
FSR71 | Funkaktor für 2-Kanal-Stromstoß-Schaltrelais | eigenständiges Modul |
FSS12 | Funk-Stromzähler-Sendemodul | EEP: A5-12-01 |
FSSA-230V | Funkaktor Steckdosen-Schaltaktor | eigenständiges Modul |
FSU14 | RS485-Bus-Display-Schaltuhr | EEP: A5-13-04 |
FSU65D | Funksensor Schaltuhr mit Display | EEP: F6-01-01 |
FSUD-230V | Dimmaktor | eigenständiges Modul |
FSVA-230V | Funk-Wechselstromzähler-Sendemodul | EEP: A5-12-01 |
FT-FTSB | Tipp-Funk Feuchte-Temperatursensor | EEP: A5-04-02 |
FT4F | Funksensor Flächen-Funktaster | EEP: F6-02-01 |
FT55 | Funksensor Flächen-Funktaster | EEP: F6-02-01 |
FTF65S | Temperatur-Sensor | EEP: A5-02-05 |
FTK | Funk-Fenster-Türkontakt | EEP: D5-00-01 |
FTKB | Funk-Fenster-Türkontakt | EEP: D5-00-01 |
FTKE | Funk-Fenster-Türkontakt | EEP: F6-10-00 |
FTN14 | RS485-Bus-Aktor Treppenlicht-Nachlaufschalter | eigenständiges Modul |
FTN61NP-230V | Funkaktor Treppenlicht-Nachlaufschalter | eigenständiges Modul |
FTR65DS | Funksensor Temperatur-Regler | eigenständiges Modul |
FTR65HS | Funksensor Temperatur-Regler | eigenständiges Modul |
FTR78S | Funk-Temperatur-Regler mit Drehrad | EEP: A5-10-03 |
FUD14 | Dimmaktor | eigenständiges Modul |
FUD14-800W | Dimmaktor | eigenständiges Modul |
FUD61NP | Dimmaktor | eigenständiges Modul |
FUD61NPN | Dimmaktor | eigenständiges Modul |
FUD70S-230V | Dimmaktor | eigenständiges Modul |
FUD71 | Dimmaktor | eigenständiges Modul |
FUTH55D | Funksensor Uhren-Thermo-Hygrostat | eigenständiges Modul |
FUTH65D | Funksensor Uhren-Thermo-Hygrostat | eigenständiges Modul |
FWS61 | Funk-Wetterdaten-Sendemodul | EEP: A5-13-01, A5-13-02 |
FWWKW71L | PWM-Dimmschalter für LED | eigenständiges Modul |
FWZ12 | Funk-Wechselstromzähler-Sendemodul | EEP: A5-12-01 |
FWZ14 | Funk-Wechselstromzähler-Sendemodul | EEP: A5-12-01 |
FWZ61 | Funk-Wechselstromzähler-Sendemodul | EEP: A5-12-01 |
FZK14 | RS485-Bus-Aktor Zeitrelais für Kartenschalter/Rauchwarnmelder | eigenständiges Modul |
FZK61NP-230V | Funkaktor für Zeitrelais mit Kartenschalter/Rauchwarnmelder | eigenständiges Modul |
FZS | Funksensor Zugschalter | eigenständiges Modul |
FMMS44SB | Funk-Mini-Multisensor | EEP: D2-14-41 |
Produkt | Beschreibung | EEP Nummer (Siehe EEP Liste unten) |
FHF | Fenstergriff | F6-10-00 |
SecuSignal | eFenstergriff Amsterdam E0400/FR-408 F69 | F6-10-00 |
SecuSignal | eFenstergriff Atlanta 0530S/FR-408 100 Nm F9 | F6-10-00 |
SecuSignal | eFenstergriff Toulon E0400/FR-408 F69 | F6-10-00 |
ConnectHome | eFenstergriff Tokyo | F6-10-00 |
ConnectHome | eFenstergriff New York | F6-10-00 |
Produkt | Beschreibung |
SmartDrive MX | Stellantrieb |
Kieback & Peter
Produkt | Beschreibung |
MD15 | Kleinstellantrieb |
Produkt | Beschreibung | EEP Nummer (Siehe EEP Liste unten) |
Smart Ready Sensor eTRONIC | Tür-/Fenstersensor | EEP: A5-14-01 |
Produkt | Beschreibung | EEP Nummer (Siehe EEP Liste unten) |
ASP-2-1-00 | Smart Plug | EEP: D2-01-0A |
ASP-2-1-01 | Smart Plug Metering | EEP: D2-01-0B |
ASP-2-1-10 | Smart Plug | EEP: D2-01-0A |
ASP-2-1-11 | Smart Plug Metering | EEP: D2-01-0B |
SIN-2-1-01 | In-wall Multifunction Relay Switch 1-Channel | EEP: D2-01-0F |
SIN-2-2-01 | In-wall ON/OFF Lighting Relay Switch 2-Channel | EEP: D2-01-0B |
SIN-2-RS-01 | Roller Shutter Relay Switch | EEP: D2-05-00 |
Produkt | Beschreibung | EEP Nummer (Siehe EEP Liste unten) |
514.441 | 55 Wandsender-Modul Standard | EEP: F6-02-01 |
561.150.9052 | Temperatursensor (2 Tasten) | EEP: A5-10-12 |
561.150.9069 | Temperatursensor (4 Tasten) | EEP: A5-10-22 |
563.010-C* | Bridge 1 Kanal | EEP: D2-01-01 |
563.014-C* | Bridge 1 Kanal, 16A | EEP: D2-01-01 |
563.020-C* | Bridge 2 Kanal | EEP: D2-01-11 |
563.031-C* | Bridge Rollladen / Jalousie | EEP: D2-05-02 |
563.035-C* | Bridge Dimmer | EEP: D2-01-03 |
563.051-C | Smart Motion Sensor (Licht) | EEP: F6-02-01 |
563.052-C | Smart Motion Sensor Multifunktion | EEP: F6-02-01 |
563.053 | Smart Motion Sensor Ambient Assisted Living - Bewegungsunfähigkeit | EEP: A5-07-03 |
563.055-C | Smart Motion Sensor (Anwesenheit) | EEP: A5-07-03 |
563.067-C | Wassermelder (Sofortmelder) | EEP: F6-05-01 |
563.068-C | Wassermelder (Quellscheiben) | EEP: A5-30-03 |
563.069-C | Rauchwarnmelder | EEP: F6-05-02 |
*Benötigt Einrichtung über Opus Config Tool (563.040)
Produkt | Beschreibung |
Diverse | Alle Geräte welche EEP unterstützen |
Produkt | Beschreibung |
SR04 | Temperatur/Feuchtigkeit |
SAB02 | Stellantrieb |
Thanos | Raumbediengerät |
Alle Geräte die folgende EEPs verwenden werden von IP-Symcon unterstützt.
Neu | ab Version | Alt | Beschreibung |
A5-20-12 | 4.0 | 07-20-12 | Temperature Controller Input |
Neu | ab Version | Alt | Beschreibung |
A5-20-01 | 4.0 | 07-20-01 | Battery Powered Actuator |
D2-01-00 | 4.3 | Electronic switches and dimmer with Energy Measurement and Local Content | |
D2-01-01 | 4.3 | Electronic switches and dimmer with Energy Measurement and Local Content | |
D2-01-02 | 4.3 | Electronic switches and dimmer with Energy Measurement and Local Content | |
D2-01-03 | 4.3 | Electronic switches and dimmer with Energy Measurement and Local Content | |
D2-01-04 | 4.3 | Electronic switches and dimmer with Energy Measurement and Local Content | |
D2-01-05 | 4.3 | Electronic switches and dimmer with Energy Measurement and Local Content | |
D2-01-06 | 4.3 | Electronic switches and dimmer with Energy Measurement and Local Content | |
D2-01-07 | 4.3 | Electronic switches and dimmer with Energy Measurement and Local Content | |
D2-01-08 | 4.3 | Electronic switches and dimmer with Energy Measurement and Local Content | |
D2-01-09 | 4.3 | Electronic switches and dimmer with Energy Measurement and Local Content | |
D2-01-0A | 4.3 | Electronic switches and dimmer with Energy Measurement and Local Content | |
D2-01-0B | 4.3 | Electronic switches and dimmer with Energy Measurement and Local Content | |
D2-01-0C | 4.3 | Electronic switches and dimmer with Energy Measurement and Local Content | |
D2-01-0D | 4.3 | Electronic switches and dimmer with Energy Measurement and Local Content | |
D2-01-0E | 4.3 | Electronic switches and dimmer with Energy Measurement and Local Content | |
D2-01-0F | 4.3 | Electronic switches and dimmer with Energy Measurement and Local Content | |
D2-01-10 | 4.3 | Electronic switches and dimmer with Energy Measurement and Local Content | |
D2-01-11 | 4.3 | Electronic switches and dimmer with Energy Measurement and Local Content | |
D2-01-12 | 4.3 | Electronic switches and dimmer with Energy Measurement and Local Content | |
D2-01-13 | 4.3 | Electronic switches and dimmer with Energy Measurement and Local Content | |
D2-01-14 | 4.3 | Electronic switches and dimmer with Energy Measurement and Local Content | |
D2-03-00 | 5.5 | Light, Switching + Blind Control Type 0x00 | |
D2-03-0A | 5.5 | Push Button – Single Button | |
D2-03-10 | 5.5 | Mechanical Handle | |
D2-05-00 | 5.3 | Blinds Control for Position/Angle Type 0x00 | |
D2-05-01 | 5.3 | Blinds Control for Position/Angle Type 0x01 | |
D2-05-02 | 5.3 | Blinds Control for Position/Angle Type 0x02 | |
D2-06-01 | 4.3 | Multisensor Window Handle - Alarm, Position Sensor, Vacation Mode, Optional Sensors | |
D2-07-00 | 5.5 | Locking Systems Control - Mortise lock | |
D2-11-01 | 5.3 | Room Operating Panel (BI-DIR) Type 0x01 | |
D2-11-02 | 5.3 | Room Operating Panel (BI-DIR) Type 0x02 | |
D2-11-03 | 5.3 | Room Operating Panel (BI-DIR) Type 0x03 | |
D2-11-04 | 5.3 | Room Operating Panel (BI-DIR) Type 0x04 | |
D2-11-05 | 5.3 | Room Operating Panel (BI-DIR) Type 0x05 | |
D2-11-06 | 5.3 | Room Operating Panel (BI-DIR) Type 0x06 | |
D2-11-07 | 5.3 | Room Operating Panel (BI-DIR) Type 0x07 | |
D2-11-08 | 5.3 | Room Operating Panel (BI-DIR) Type 0x08 | |
D2-15-00 | 5.5 | People Activity Counter | |
D2-A0-01 | 5.5 | Valve Control (BI-DIR) |
Neu | ab Version | Alt | Beschreibung |
A5-02-01 | 4.0 | 07-02-01 | Temperature Sensor Range -40°C to 0°C |
A5-02-02 | 4.0 | 07-02-02 | Temperature Sensor Range -30°C to +10°C |
A5-02-03 | 4.0 | 07-02-03 | Temperature Sensor Range -20°C to +20°C |
A5-02-04 | 4.0 | 07-02-04 | Temperature Sensor Range -10°C to +30°C |
A5-02-05 | 4.0 | 07-02-05 | Temperature Sensor Range 0°C to +40°C |
A5-02-06 | 4.0 | 07-02-06 | Temperature Sensor Range +10°C to +50°C |
A5-02-07 | 4.0 | 07-02-07 | Temperature Sensor Range +20°C to +60°C |
A5-02-08 | 4.0 | 07-02-08 | Temperature Sensor Range +30°C to +70°C |
A5-02-09 | 4.0 | 07-02-09 | Temperature Sensor Range +40°C to +80°C |
A5-02-0A | 4.0 | 07-02-0A | Temperature Sensor Range +50°C to +90°C |
A5-02-0B | 4.0 | 07-02-0B | Temperature Sensor Range +60°C to +100°C |
A5-02-10 | 4.0 | 07-02-10 | Temperature Sensor Range -60°C to +20°C |
A5-02-11 | 4.0 | 07-02-11 | Temperature Sensor Range -50°C to +30°C |
A5-02-12 | 4.0 | 07-02-12 | Temperature Sensor Range -40°C to +40°C |
A5-02-13 | 4.0 | 07-02-13 | Temperature Sensor Range -30°C to +50°C |
A5-02-14 | 4.0 | 07-02-14 | Temperature Sensor Range -20°C to +60°C |
A5-02-15 | 4.0 | 07-02-15 | Temperature Sensor Range -10°C to +70°C |
A5-02-16 | 4.0 | 07-02-16 | Temperature Sensor Range 0°C to +80°C |
A5-02-17 | 4.0 | 07-02-17 | Temperature Sensor Range +10°C to +90°C |
A5-02-18 | 4.0 | 07-02-18 | Temperature Sensor Range +20°C to +100°C |
A5-02-19 | 4.0 | 07-02-19 | Temperature Sensor Range +30°C to +110°C |
A5-02-1A | 4.0 | 07-02-1A | Temperature Sensor Range +40°C to +120°C |
A5-02-1B | 4.0 | 07-02-1B | Temperature Sensor Range +50°C to +130°C |
A5-02-20 | 4.0 | 07-02-20 | 10 Bit Temperature Sensor Range -10°C to +41.2°C |
A5-02-30 | 4.0 | 07-02-30 | 10 Bit Temperature Sensor Range -40°C to +62.3°C |
A5-04-01 | 4.0 | 07-04-01 | Range 0°C to +40°C and 0% to 100% |
A5-04-02 | 4.1 | 07-04-02 | Range -20°C to +60°C and 0% to 100% |
A5-04-03 | 4.1 | 07-04-03 | Range -20°C to +60°C 10bit-measurement and 0% to 100% |
A5-04-03 | 5.3 | 07-04-03 | Temperature and Humidity Sensor |
A5-06-01 | 4.0 | 07-06-01 | Range 300lx to 60.000lx |
A5-06-02 | 4.0 | 07-06-02 | Range 0lx to 1.020lx |
A5-06-03 | 4.0 | 07-06-03 | 10-bit measurement (1-Lux resolution) with range 0lx to 1000lx |
A5-07-01 | 4.0 | 07-07-01 | Occupancy with Supply voltage monitor |
A5-07-01 | 5.3 | 07-07-01 | gN-Deckenbewegungsmelder 360° |
A5-07-01 | 5.3 | 07-07-01 | Desk Occupancy |
A5-07-02 | 4.0 | 07-07-02 | Occupancy with Supply voltage monitor |
A5-07-03 | 4.0 | 07-07-03 | Occupancy with Supply voltage monitor and 10-bit illumination measurement |
A5-08-01 | 4.0 | 07-08-01 | Range 0lx to 510lx |
A5-08-01 | 4.0 | 07-08-01 | 0°C to +51°C and Occupancy Button |
A5-08-02 | 4.0 | 07-08-02 | Range 0lx to 1020lx |
A5-08-02 | 4.0 | 07-08-02 | 0°C to +51°C and Occupancy Button |
A5-08-03 | 4.0 | 07-08-03 | Range 0lx to 1530lx |
A5-08-03 | 4.0 | 07-08-03 | -30°C to +50°C and Occupancy Button |
A5-09-01 | 4.0 | 07-09-01 | CO Sensor (not in use) |
A5-09-02 | 4.0 | 07-09-02 | CO-Sensor 0 ppm to 1020 ppm |
A5-09-04 | 4.0 | 07-09-04 | CO2 Sensor |
A5-09-04 | 5.3 | 07-09-04 | CO2, Temperature and Humidity Sensor |
A5-09-05 | 4.0 | 07-09-05 | VOC Sensor |
A5-09-06 | 4.0 | 07-09-06 | Radon |
A5-09-07 | 4.0 | 07-09-07 | Particles |
A5-09-08 | 4.0 | 07-09-08 | Pure CO2 Sensor |
A5-10-01 | 4.0 | 07-10-01 | Temperature Sensor |
A5-10-01 | 4.0 | 07-10-01 | Set Point |
A5-10-01 | 4.0 | 07-10-01 | Fan Speed and Occupancy Control |
A5-10-02 | 4.0 | 07-10-02 | Temperature Sensor |
A5-10-02 | 4.0 | 07-10-02 | Set Point |
A5-10-02 | 4.0 | 07-10-02 | Fan Speed and Day/Night Control |
A5-10-03 | 4.0 | 07-10-03 | Temperature Sensor |
A5-10-03 | 4.0 | 07-10-03 | Set Point Control |
A5-10-04 | 4.0 | 07-10-04 | Temperature Sensor |
A5-10-04 | 4.0 | 07-10-04 | Set Point and Fan Speed Control |
A5-10-05 | 4.0 | 07-10-05 | Temperature Sensor |
A5-10-05 | 4.0 | 07-10-05 | Set Point and Occupancy Control |
A5-10-06 | 4.0 | 07-10-06 | Temperature Sensor |
A5-10-06 | 4.0 | 07-10-06 | Set Point and Day/Night Control |
A5-10-07 | 4.0 | 07-10-07 | Temperature Sensor |
A5-10-07 | 4.0 | 07-10-07 | Fan Speed Control |
A5-10-08 | 4.0 | 07-10-08 | Temperature Sensor |
A5-10-08 | 4.0 | 07-10-08 | Fan Speed and Occupancy Control |
A5-10-09 | 4.0 | 07-10-09 | Temperature Sensor |
A5-10-09 | 4.0 | 07-10-09 | Fan Speed and Day/Night Control |
A5-10-0A | 4.0 | 07-10-0A | Temperature Sensor |
A5-10-0A | 4.0 | 07-10-0A | Set Point Adjust and Single Input Contact |
A5-10-0B | 4.0 | 07-10-0B | Temperature Sensor and Single Input Contact |
A5-10-0C | 4.0 | 07-10-0C | Temperature Sensor and Occupancy Control |
A5-10-0D | 4.0 | 07-10-0D | Temperature Sensor and Day/Night Control |
A5-10-10 | 4.0 | 07-10-10 | Temperature and Humidity Sensor |
A5-10-10 | 4.0 | 07-10-10 | Set Point and Occupancy Control |
A5-10-11 | 4.0 | 07-10-11 | Temperature and Humidity Sensor |
A5-10-11 | 4.0 | 07-10-11 | Set Point and Day/Night Control |
A5-10-12 | 4.0 | 07-10-12 | Temperature and Humidity Sensor and Set Point |
A5-10-13 | 4.0 | 07-10-13 | Temperature and Humidity Sensor |
A5-10-13 | 4.0 | 07-10-13 | Occupancy Control |
A5-10-14 | 4.0 | 07-10-14 | Temperature and Humidity Sensor |
A5-10-14 | 4.0 | 07-10-14 | Day/Night Control |
A5-10-15 | 4.0 | 07-10-15 | 10 Bit Temperature Sensor |
A5-10-15 | 4.0 | 07-10-15 | 6 bit Set Point Control |
A5-10-16 | 4.0 | 07-10-16 | 10 Bit Temperature Sensor |
A5-10-16 | 4.0 | 07-10-16 | 6 bit Set Point Control;Occupancy Control |
A5-10-17 | 4.0 | 07-10-17 | 10 Bit Temperature Sensor |
A5-10-17 | 4.0 | 07-10-17 | Occupancy Control |
A5-10-18 | 4.0 | 07-10-18 | Illumination |
A5-10-18 | 4.0 | 07-10-18 | Temperature Set Point |
A5-10-18 | 4.0 | 07-10-18 | Temperature Sensor |
A5-10-18 | 4.0 | 07-10-18 | Fan Speed and Occupancy Control |
A5-10-19 | 4.0 | 07-10-19 | Humidity |
A5-10-19 | 4.0 | 07-10-19 | Temperature Set Point |
A5-10-19 | 4.0 | 07-10-19 | Temperature Sensor |
A5-10-19 | 4.0 | 07-10-19 | Fan Speed and Occupancy Control |
A5-10-1A | 4.0 | 07-10-1A | Supply voltage monitor |
A5-10-1A | 4.0 | 07-10-1A | Temperature Set Point |
A5-10-1A | 4.0 | 07-10-1A | Temperature Sensor |
A5-10-1A | 4.0 | 07-10-1A | Fan Speed and Occupancy Control |
A5-10-1B | 4.0 | 07-10-1B | Supply Voltage Monitor |
A5-10-1B | 4.0 | 07-10-1B | Illumination |
A5-10-1B | 4.0 | 07-10-1B | Temperature Sensor |
A5-10-1B | 4.0 | 07-10-1B | Fan Speed and Occupancy Control |
A5-10-1C | 4.0 | 07-10-1C | Illumination |
A5-10-1C | 4.0 | 07-10-1C | Illumination Set Point |
A5-10-1C | 4.0 | 07-10-1C | Temperature Sensor |
A5-10-1C | 4.0 | 07-10-1C | Fan Speed and Occupancy Control |
A5-10-1D | 4.0 | 07-10-1D | Humidity |
A5-10-1D | 4.0 | 07-10-1D | Humidity Set Point |
A5-10-1D | 4.0 | 07-10-1D | Temperature Sensor |
A5-10-1D | 4.0 | 07-10-1D | Fan Speed and Occupancy Control |
A5-10-1E | 5.5 | 07-10-1E | Temperature Sensor, Supply Voltage, Light, Fan Speed, and Occupancy Control |
A5-10-1F | 4.0 | 07-10-1F | Temperature Sensor |
A5-10-1F | 4.0 | 07-10-1F | Set Point |
A5-10-1F | 4.0 | 07-10-1F | Fan Speed |
A5-10-1F | 4.0 | 07-10-1F | Occupancy and Unoccupancy Control |
A5-10-20 | 4.0 | 07-10-20 | Temperature and Set Point with Special Heating States |
A5-10-21 | 4.0 | 07-10-21 | Temperature |
A5-10-21 | 4.0 | 07-10-21 | Humidity and Set Point with Special Heating States |
A5-10-22 | 5.5 | 07-10-22 | Temperature Sensor, Set Point, Humidity, and Fan Speed |
A5-10-23 | 5.5 | 07-10-23 | Temperature Sensor, Set Point, Humidity, Fan Speed, and Occupancy Control |
A5-11-01 | 4.0 | 07-11-01 | Lighting Controller |
A5-11-02 | 4.0 | 07-11-02 | Temperature Controller Output |
A5-11-03 | 4.0 | 07-11-03 | Blind Status |
A5-11-04 | 4.0 | 07-11-04 | Extended Lighting Status |
A5-12-00 | 4.0 | 07-12-00 | Counter |
A5-12-00 | 5.3 | 07-12-00 | Operations Counting |
A5-12-01 | 4.0 | 07-12-01 | Electricity |
A5-12-02 | 4.0 | 07-12-02 | Gas |
A5-12-03 | 4.0 | 07-12-03 | Water |
A5-13-01 | 4.0 | 07-13-01 | Weather Station |
A5-13-02 | 4.0 | 07-13-02 | Sun Intensity |
A5-13-03 | 4.0 | 07-13-03 | Date Exchange |
A5-13-04 | 4.0 | 07-13-04 | Time and Day Exchange |
A5-13-05 | 4.0 | 07-13-05 | Direction Exchange |
A5-14-01 | 4.0 | 07-14-01 | Single Input Contact (Window/Door) |
A5-14-01 | 4.0 | 07-14-01 | Supply voltage monitor |
A5-14-02 | 4.0 | 07-14-02 | Single Input Contact (Window/Door) |
A5-14-02 | 4.0 | 07-14-02 | Supply voltage monitor and Illumination |
A5-14-03 | 4.0 | 07-14-03 | Single Input Contact (Window/Door) |
A5-14-03 | 4.0 | 07-14-03 | Supply voltage monitor and Vibration |
A5-14-04 | 4.0 | 07-14-04 | Single Input Contact (Window/Door) |
A5-14-04 | 4.0 | 07-14-04 | Supply voltage monitor |
A5-14-04 | 4.0 | 07-14-04 | Vibration and Illumination |
A5-14-05 | 4.0 | 07-14-05 | Vibration/Tilt |
A5-14-05 | 4.0 | 07-14-05 | Supply voltage monitor |
A5-14-05 | 5.3 | 07-14-05 | Chair Occupancy Solar Sensor |
A5-14-06 | 4.0 | 07-14-06 | Vibration/Tilt |
A5-14-06 | 4.0 | 07-14-06 | Illumination and Supply voltage monitor |
A5-14-07 | 5.0 | 07-14-07 | Dual door contact with States (Open/Closed/Locked/Unlocked) |
A5-14-07 | 5.0 | 07-14-07 | Supply voltage monitor |
A5-14-08 | 5.0 | 07-14-08 | Dual door contact with States (Open/Closed/Locked/Unlocked) |
A5-14-08 | 5.0 | 07-14-08 | Supply voltage monitor and Vibration detection |
A5-14-09 | 5.0 | 07-14-09 | Window/Door Sensor with States (Open/Closed/Tilt) |
A5-14-09 | 5.0 | 07-14-09 | Supply voltage monitor |
A5-14-0A | 5.0 | 07-14-0A | Window/Door Sensor with States (Open/Closed/Tilt) |
A5-14-0A | 5.0 | 07-14-0A | Supply voltage monitor and Vibration detection |
A5-20-01 | 5.3 | 07-14-01 | Heating Valve Controller |
A5-20-06 | 5.5 | 07-20-06 | Heating Valve Controller |
A5-30-01 | 4.0 | 07-30-01 | Single Input Contact |
A5-30-01 | 4.0 | 07-30-01 | Battery Monitor |
A5-30-02 | 4.0 | 07-30-02 | Single Input Contact |
A5-30-03 | 4.0 | 07-30-03 | 4 Digital Inputs |
A5-30-03 | 4.0 | 07-30-03 | Wake and Temperature |
A5-30-04 | 4.0 | 07-30-04 | 3 Digital Inputs |
A5-30-04 | 4.0 | 07-30-04 | 1 Digital Input 8 Bits |
A5-37-01 | 4.0 | 07-37-01 | Demand Response |
A5-38-08 | 4.0 | 07-38-08 | Gateway |
A5-38-09 | 4.0 | 07-38-09 | Extended Lighting-Control |
D2-14-30 | 6.0 | Sensor for Smoke, Air quality, Hygrothermal comfort, Temperature and Humidity | |
D2-14-41 | 6.4 | Sensor for Humidity, Illumination, Temperature, Dissolved oxegen, Contact, Acceleration | |
D2-15-00 | 5.4 | People Activity Counter | |
D2-32-00 | 4.3 | A.C. Current Clamp | |
D2-32-00 | 5.3 | Single Channel CT Clamp | |
D2-32-01 | 4.3 | A.C. Current Clamp | |
D2-32-02 | 4.3 | A.C. Current Clamp | |
D5-00-01 | 4.0 | 06-00-01 | Single Input Contact |
D5-00-01 | 5.3 | 06-00-01 | Magnet Contact |
F6-01-01 | 5.5 | 05-01-01 | Push Button |
F6-02-01 | 4.0 | 05-02-01 | Light and Blind Control - Application Style 1 |
F6-02-02 | 4.0 | 05-02-02 | Light and Blind Control - Application Style 2 |
F6-02-03 | 4.0 | 05-02-03 | Light Control - Application Style 1 |
F6-02-04 | 4.0 | 05-02-04 | Light and blind control ERP2 |
F6-03-01 | 4.0 | 05-03-01 | Light and Blind Control - Application Style 1 |
F6-03-02 | 4.0 | 05-03-02 | Light and Blind Control - Application Style 2 |
F6-04-01 | 4.0 | 05-04-01 | Key Card Activated Switch |
F6-04-02 | 4.0 | 05-04-02 | Key Card Activated Switch ERP2 |
F6-05-00 | 5.0 | 05-05-00 | Wind Speed Threshold Detector |
F6-05-01 | 4.0 | 05-05-01 | Liquid Leakage Sensor (mechanic harvester) |
F6-05-02 | 5.0 | 05-05-02 | Smoke Detector |
F6-10-00 | 4.1 | 05-10-00 | Window Contact Sensor |
F6-10-01 | 5.5 | 05-10-01 | Window Handle ERP2 |